Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania The Effect of Moringa Leaf Spray on the Yield of Vegetable Crops Edward Berkelaar, Ph.D. with Jenny Johns ECHO, 17391 Durance Road, North Fort Myers, FL 33917 USA
Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Introduction Last year our organization learned of some research done on moringa in Nicaragua by Nikolas and Gabriele Foidl of BIOMASA. In that study, yield increases of 25-30% were reported for onions, bell pepper, soya, maize, sorghum, coffee, tea, chili, and melon. The primary goal of our project is to replicate the experiments done in Nicaragua under the different different growing conditions we have in Florida. We would also like to determine how leaf sprays made from moringa compare to leaf sprays made from other species, and whether moringa sprays are still effective if they are made from dried or fermented moringa leaves. -1-
Materials and Methods experiment 1: Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Materials and Methods experiment 1: radish (Raphanus sativus) and bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) 4 treatments control: water & surfactant spray low moringa: 12.5 g moringa in 100 mL water with surfactant medium moringa: 25 g moringa in 100 mL water with surfactant high moringa: 50 g moringa in 100 mL water with surfactant 25 mL of solution applied per plant 9 replicates for radish and 10 replicates for bean spray applied every two weeks -2-
experiment 2: cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) 6 treatments Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania experiment 2: cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) 6 treatments control: water & surfactant not sprayed moringa: ratio of 25 g of moringa in 100 mL water with surfactant moringa applied less frequently Leuceana: ratio of 25 g of Leuceana in 100 mL water with surfactant Leuceana: ratio of 12.5 g of Leuceana in 100 mL water with surfactant 25 mL of solution applied per plant 10 replicates per treatment sprayed every two weeks except treatment 4 -3-
moringa spray : moringa planted densely (~10-15 cm spacing) Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania moringa spray : moringa planted densely (~10-15 cm spacing) top 30-40 cm of plants cut (fresh growth) blended to a paste with water filtered through cloth and paper -4-
Results : Experiment 1 - radish Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Results : Experiment 1 - radish Treatment % increase control -- low moringa 26 (p=0.26) medium moringa 94 (p<0.0001) high moringa 23 (p=0.21) - increased yield due to heavier radish roots -5-
Results : Experiment 1 - bean Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Results : Experiment 1 - bean Treatment % increase control -- low moringa 56 (p=0.045) medium moringa 65 (p=0.022) high moringa 56 (p=0.047) - increased yield due to higher numbers of beans per plant -6-
Results: Experiment 2 - cowpea Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Results: Experiment 2 - cowpea spraying with moringa did not result in increased yield % change verses non-sprayed plants % change verses water-sprayed plants Treatment % change moringa -2.2 moringa (appled less freq.) 0.02 Leucaena 0.68 low Leucaena -1.6 Treatment % change moringa 9.9 moringa (applied less freq.) 12.4 Leucaena 13.1 low Leucaena 10.6 -7-
Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Summary compared with spraying with water, spraying with moringa enhanced yield of radish and bush bean results from experiment 2 suggest that cowpea yields were not increased in moringa sprayed plants compared to non-sprayed plants -8-
Development potential for Moringa products October 29th - November 2nd, 2001, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Future experiments compare effect of moringa spray applied to plants growing in soils with differing levels of fertility compare effect of different methods of making moringa sprays from dried or fermented leaves test effect of moringa sprays on various other crop species test effect of moringa against leaf sprays made from other plant species -9-