11 th ACRU Annual Conference Košice, Slovakia 17-18 October 2002.


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Presentation transcript:

11 th ACRU Annual Conference Košice, Slovakia October 2002

Program 17 October 2002  Grand meeting of the Science Board of TU Kosice, Aula Maxima  5.00pm – 6.30pm: Working session I  8.00pm: Reception with cultural program, Ferrocentrum

Program (2) 18 October 2002  9.00am-11.00am: Working session II  12.00pm: Sightseeing (optional)  2.00pm: Lunch with the Rector of TU Kosice  4.00pm: Grand meeting in the National Theatre, Main street (cultural performance,...)  8.00pm: Reception, Hotel Slovan

Program (3) 19 October 2002  Departure of participants

Activity Report June September 2002 Tomas Sabol

Activities Main activity:  Management of Continuing Education, Training Program – Part III. Joint project with Kennesaw State University, USA Part I:  2-week training in Slovakia – lecturers from KSU (led by Dean of Continuing Education at KSU Barbara Calhoun), September 27 – October 8, 1999  Certificate from KSU “Manager of CE”  Travel expenses of US lecturers covered by KSU

Activities (2) Part II:  Visits to US partner universities + training at KSU, 24 April 24 – 7 May 2000  Certificate from KSU: “Senior Manager of CE”  Travel expenses of ACRU participants and stay in US covered by the KSU Part III:  For a new group of ACRU representatives  Originally planned for Autumn 2001, organised by the University of Miskolc

Activities (3)  Date: 13 – 17 May 2002, Kosice  Organised by TU Kosice  Participants:  Dorin Herlo, Aurel Vlaicu University from Arad, Romania  Teresa Chorzepa, Rzeszow University of Technology  Alžbieta Walewska, Rzeszow University of Technology  Gábor Simó, Szent István University  Kornélia Borzsonyi, University Miskolc  Andrea Markušovská, TU Kosice  Danica Klačková, TU Zvolen, Slovakia  Jana Tereňová, TU Zvolen, Slovakia

Activities (4) Lecturers:  KSU: Barbara Calhoun, Teresa Gammill, Joyce Cheshier  ACRU:  Maria Kocsis Baan, University of Miskolc  Eniko Batiz, Babes-Bolyai University  Nataša Urbančíková, TU Kosice  Gejza M. Timcak, TU Kosice  Tomas Sabol, TU Kosice

Activities (5) Program:  Principles of Public Services and Adult Learning  Strategic Planning  Program Development  Program Management  Program Evaluation  Marketing  Staff Selection and Development  Financial Systems  Project Management

Activities (6) Presentations from the training available at:  item “New”  Barbara and Joyce after the training visited also Poland – Rzeszow and Krakow  Suggestion for further cooperation in the area of e-learning   Who is interested from ACRU universities?

Activities (5) Program:  Principles of Public Services and Adult Learning  Strategic Planning  Program Development  Program Management  Program Evaluation  Marketing  Staff Selection and Development  Financial Systems  Project Management

Activities (6) Other activities:  AFANET Hermes Project, Szent István University, Gödöllö, Hungary – Workshop on testing language competence in language classes for students of agriculture and related sciences. Contact: Beata Palfalvy,  Project “Intellectual Capacity for Innovation and Technology Management” ( IVF), submitted to the Visegrad Foundation, prof. Kazimierz Tuszyñski, partners from PL, HU, SK; result unknown.

Activities (6)  22 nd Congress of Microbiology to be organized in Kosice by the University of Veterinary Medicine,  Mobility grant to Ms. I. Nowotynska from Rzeszow University of Technology, to international conference  More …

Activities (7) IST Project PRISMA  IST Programme, 5 th Framework Programme   Partners: D, UK, S, G, A, HU, CR, SL, CY + TU Kosice  Analysis of application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in:  e-Administration  e-Health  e-Transport  e-Tourism  e-Environment  Persons with Special Needs

PRISMA Objectives:  Mapping overall trends and changes affecting citizen services  Identifying current best practice in the provision of citizen services  Conducting foresight and scenario-building exercises over the next 10 years  Developing future-oriented best practice for these services  Providing practical tools for policy makers, service providers and other stakeholders

PRISMA Objectives:  Mapping overall trends and changes affecting citizen services  Identifying current best practice in the provision of citizen services  Conducting foresight and scenario-building exercises over the next 10 years  Developing future-oriented best practice for these services  Providing practical tools for policy makers, service providers and other stakeholders

PRISMA  Results may be of interest also for you  Please support Dissemination of the Project results – towards academic community, policy makers, service providers, different stakeholder groups, …  All results on: 

Other   ACRU Constitution, Article 11, paragraph 1 to delete the text “excluding the country of residence of the President and the Secretary General” - DONE.   Suggestion of the Secretary General: To award Honorary membership of ACRU to Ms. Barbara Calhoun, Dean of Continuing Education at Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA for her contribution and long-term personal commitment to ACRU mission.  ACRU leaflet (published in 2000)– still some copies available

Other   Offer of Florida Virtual College (Randy Stein, - offering student marketing agreement in the area  Providing bachelor/master degrees in:  Business Administration  E-Commerce  Business Marketing  Business Finance  Small Business Management  Business Communication Management  Business Communication  Human Resource Management, etc. 

Other   Not too much traffic on ACRU web site - Announcement should be published by member universities  Student exchange program/PhD mobility program? Proposal of the Lviv Polytechnic State University?  MBA program (starting also at TU Kosice) …  Other projects …

Other Issues   2003 – Election of the ACRU President and Secretary General (Hungary)   …

Members (SK, HU)   Technical University of Kosice   University of P.J. Šafárik in Košice   University of Veterinary Medicine, Kosice   Military Aviation Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Kosice   University of Miskolc   Debrecen University   College of Nyíregyháza   Szent Istvan University

Members (PL)   Rzeszow University of Technology   Pedagogical University Rzeszow   University of Mining and Metallurgy Krakow   Technical University of Lublin   Military University of Technology, Warsaw

Members (UA)   Lviv Polytechnic State University   Lviv Academy of Commerce   Uzhgorod State University   Uzhgorod Institute of Information Science, Economics and Law   Kolomiya College of Law and Business   Ivano ‑ Frankivsk State Technical Oil and Gas University

Members (RO)   Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca   University "Politechnica" of Bucharest   University of "Aurel Vlaicu" din Arad   University of Oradea   University of Petrosani   24 members

Members - Issues   Check and update your data – contact person, telephone/fax/ /Web address   Update of the ACRU Web site   How to deal with “non-participating members” – problems with voting at Annual Conferences   New members/Interest to join – Romania Cluj, …   …

Proposals for the future  Workshop on the development of tourism in Carpathian region. Target group: lecturers, senior and PhD students. Organized by TU Kosice. Contact person: Dr. Gejza Timcak, Preliminary date: July Interest?  6th Framework Programme – Integrated Projects, Network of Excellence, …  Workshop “Regional Development in Carpathian Region. Contact person: Dr. Oto Hudec, (Institute of Regional and Community Development established at TU)

Proposals for the future (2)  Visegrad Fund,  Carpathian Foundation,  Cross-border Cooperation in the Carpathian Euroregion  Carpathian Research Program  Preserving Carpathian Cultural Heritage  …  Place of the Annual Conference 2003? Hungary?

Looking forward to the further cooperation!