PRESENTATION OUTLINE The Context Research Problem Research Objectives Theoretical Framework Research Design and Methodology
The Context of the Research Inadequacy of the housing delivery system has fueled housing development in informal settlements. Land for housing development in informal areas obtained easily and to suit needs of different people. Housing development in informal areas done by middle to low income residents.
RESEARCH PROBLEM Little knowledge on the values and preferences that shape residential choices of residents in order to effectively implement housing programmes.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To investigate the residential location preferences of residents in Dar es Salaam
SPECIFIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND QUESTIONS To investigate the individual reasons underlying choice of residential area of households in Dar es Salaam city. What are the reasons behind residential location choice? When do they move and do they expect to move again? What were the alternatives you considered ?
SPECIFIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND QUESTIONS To analyse and understand the factors/mechanisms that influence people’s choice of a residential area. What is your level of education? What is your income? What do you consider most important in choosing a residential location? Where do you work? Why did you move from your previous location?
SPECIFIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND QUESTIONS To ‘map’ the spatial dimension of the choices. Where were you living before you move here? Given another choice where would you like to live?
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The Lifestyle concept will be applied to explain the residential choice preferences. Relevant aspects will be applied to the Tanzanian context.
RESEARCH DESIGN Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used. Qualitative?: Questions on why did you choose this residential location? Quantitative?: The type of individuals (education, income etc), where did they move from? Unit of analysis will be the household.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Data collection will be done through: - Archival records Interviews Sampling of houses to be interviewed will be done. Records from the ward (neighbourhood) offices will assist in choosing houses to inerview.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Selection of Case Study areas Dar es Salaam city because:- Most rapidly urbanising centre in the country. As a commercial capital it attracts people from all over the country creating a fusion of different cultures. Case study settlements for household level studies include informal inner city area, a peri- urban area and a formal area.
DATA ANALYSIS Quantitative data: Simple statistical analysis. Qualitative data: Develop categories and patterns of similar and diverging issues. Spatial data: GIS framework