Partitives and expressions of quantity —Ha fatto tanti chilometri. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity Il partitivo In English, words like some, a few, a little, any, and several express an indefinite amount or part of the whole. The Italian equivalent is conveyed by il partitivo and expressions of quantity such as del, un po’ di, qualche, and alcuni/e. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity To form the partitive, combine di with the definite article: del, dello, della, dell’, dei, degli, delle. Ho comprato della pasta al mercato. I bought some pasta at the market. Avete preparato degli spaghetti? Gnam! Did you make spaghetti? Yum! Metti dello zucchero sulla tavola. Put some sugar on the table. Hanno invitato delle amiche alla festa. They invited some girlfriends to the party. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity Use un po’ di (a little of, a bit of) with a singular noun that is abstract or that you can measure (but not count). Marco mi ha dato un po’ di carne per il mio cagnolino. Marco gave me a bit of meat for my little dog. Quando avrò un po’ di tempo libero, ti telefonerò. When I have a little free time, I’ll call you. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity Use qualche with a singular noun, even though it expresses the plural meaning of some, a few, or several. Ti ho preso qualche libro. Va bene? I picked up several/ a few books for you. Is that all right? Dove mangiamo stasera? Hai qualche idea? Where shall we eat tonight? Do you have some ideas? © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity Alcuni and alcune are always followed by plural nouns and mean several or a few. Alcune persone sono arrivate in ritardo alla festa. Several people arrived late for the party. Facciamo alcuni acquisti prima di tornare a Spello. Let’s buy a few things before going back to Spello. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity In negative sentences, the partitive is omitted. It may also be omitted in questions and when listing items. I vegetariani non mangiano carne. Vegetarians don’t eat meat. Abbiamo bisogno di cipolle, funghi e pomodori per fare la pizza. We need onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes to make the pizza. Avete figli? Do you have children? © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity Many expressions of quantity are followed by di. Others—such as molto, parecchio (several, a lot of ), poco, troppo, and tanto—are not. When used as adjectives, they must agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. un bicchiere di a glass of una bottiglia di a bottle of un chilo di a kilo of un litro di a liter of un pạio di a pair of un pezzo di a piece of un po’ di a little (of) un sacco di a lot of/lots of una scatola di a box of una tazza di a cup of © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity Mi dia un chilo di uva, per favore. Give me a kilo of grapes, please. Quanto costa una bottiglia di vino rosso? How much does a bottle of red wine cost? Ho molta fame. Mangiamo! I’m very hungry. Let’s eat! Troppe persone non pensano all’ambiente. Too many people don’t think about the environment. Lei ha tante idee! She has so many ideas! Mio genero ha dato un pezzo di cioccolato al cane. My son-in-law gave a piece of chocolate to the dog. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity When molto, parecchio, poco, tanto, and other expressions of quantity are used as adverbs, always use the masculine, singular form. Riccardo mangia sempre troppo. Riccardo always eats too much. I bambini litigano parecchio! The kids fight a lot! © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity The numerical expressions un milione and un miliardo (and their multiples) are followed by di. Te l’ho già detto un miliardo di volte! I’ve already told you that a billion times! Tre milioni di persone sono venute alla manifestazione. Three million people came to the demonstration. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity Note these conversions and equivalents for quantities. Tabella conversioni - Unità di misura comuni 1 chilogrammo (kg) = 2,2 libbre 1 chilometro (km) = 0,6 miglia 1 etto = 0,22 libbre 1 metro (m) = 3,28 piedi 1 litro = 1,13 quarto di gallone 1 centimetro (cm) = 0,39 pollici (inches) Numeri – Italia Numeri – Stati Uniti milione million miliardo billion bilione trillion biliardo quatrillion © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.
Partitives and expressions of quantity ATTENZIONE! Don’t forget that the metric system is used in Italy. To buy about two pounds of pasta, for example, ask for un chilo di pasta. To buy a little over a pound of something, use un mezzo chilo di… If you want only a small amount, ask for un etto di… or due etti di…, 100 or 200 grams, respectively. For liquid measures, un litro is somewhat more than a quart. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.