Mathematical Perspective Linear Perspective One-Point Perspective
Paolo Uccello Bernardino della Ciarda Thrown Off His Horse 1450s Tempera on wood, 182 x 220 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Paolo Uccello Miracle of the Desecrated Host (Scene 2) 1465-69 Panel, 43 x 58 cm
Paolo Uccello St. George and the Dragon c Paolo Uccello St. George and the Dragon c. 1456 Oil on canvas, 57 x 73 cm National Gallery, London
Paolo Uccello The Hunt in the Forest 1460s Tempera on wood, 65 x 165 cm Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Paolo Uccello Funerary Monument to Sir John Hawkwood 1436 Fresco, 820 x 515 cm Duomo, Florence
Donatello Herod's Banquet 1427 Bronze, 60 x 60 cm Baptistery, Siena
Mathematical Perspective Linear Perspective One-Point Perspective and Intuitive Perspective
Trinity 1425-28 Fresco, 667 x 317 cm Santa Maria Novella, Florence
Trinity (scheme of the perspective) 1425-28 Fresco, 667 x 317 cm Santa Maria Novella, Florence
Intuitive Perspective and Atmospheric Perspective
bru Pieter the Younger Brueghel Winter Landscape with a Bird-trap Oil on panel, 40 x 57 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid
bru Pieter the Younger Brueghel The Birdtrap Oil on panel, 46 x 68 cm Private collection
bru Pieter the Younger Brueghel The Massacre of the Innocents 1610s Oil on panel transferred to canvas, 115 x 164 cm Private collection