COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 City of Rome : decisive for the city to develop dialogue and co-operation with all economic, cultural and institutional actors and more generally, with citizens.
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 City of Rome : three models: Progetto di Roma City Support Framework Neighbourhood Labs
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 Progetto di Roma: a sustainable development project, aimed at qualitative modernisation founded on unique cultural and artistic heritage, extraordinary environmental assets, research centres and Universities
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppo Progetto di Roma : a comprehensive process involving all major local actors – Universities, Industrialists Associations, Trade Unions – in a systematic dialogue around the themes of development planning and of promotion of new employment opportunities in Rome area.INNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 Structural choices are needed /1 : to ease historical centres congestion and to create new urban and productive settlements. Goal is to make Rome a poly-centric but compact City, modern and sustainable.
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 Structural choices are needed /2 : to decentralise Universities, with the creation of new university poles and new synergies among firms, research world, training centres and public administration
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 Structural choices are needed /3 : to realise science and technology parks: Tor Vergata, Castel Romano, Tiburtino and the cinema – TV integrated pole. Romes application to have the European Satellite Agency headquarters is to be seen in this light, as a means to significantly strengthen space and ITC industries.
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 Progetto di Roma officially started in January Four thematic working groups have begun their work on: Simplification of administrative processes Credit and finance, Tourism Research and Innovation.
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 City Support Framework: a tool to involve the 19 Boroughs in development planning: -It will join the Boroughs autonomy into a single strategic vision for the city development, -It will spread and enhance mechanisms for diffused participation, -It will support the creation of localised governance systems, more efficient and adequate to the increasing demand for specialised interventions tailored to the city territorial, economic and social specificities, -It will improve quality of life and administrative efficiency, also thanks to progressive bureaucratic simplification and innovation.
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 Six Axes: I.Social and Educational Policies II.Urban Planning and Infrastructures III.Sport and Culture IV.Environment V.Local Development Systems VI.Assistance to Boroughs
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 District Workshops aim at reducing in advance conflict with residents over Municipal programmes
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 by the Action Planning Method the City of Rome Government – gathered quickly ideas – chose priorities – defined shared action plans
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppo Scientific research was commisioned into the effects on public works of not involving the local population directly in the planning process
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppo an Environment Information Desk for residents in the boroughs
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppo the realization of school playgrounds with the methodology of Planning for real
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppo Sheltered Pedestrian Paths, especially for home-school ways for children
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppo knowledge of historic Rome to borough children, making mobility easier by train+bike paths.
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 Rome has an important relationship with its small neighboroughs: many people have moved to the satellite towns and commute to the city, with a consequent increase in traffic on the ancient radial roads.
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 The New Urban Development Plan marks a break with its predecessor by giving a new role to satellite centres
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 analysis led to the identification of 234 micro-cities representing a significant resource in terms of available urban areas for social activities
COMUNE DI ROMA a cura di Dipartimento XV III U.O. Ufficio Politiche economiche e di sviluppoINNOPOLITAN Thematic Group Metropolitan qualification and impact on innovation efficiency in the areas of: controlling urban expansion, urban re-qualification, transport and logistics, participation of the civil society in the processes Lisbon, September 2002 In contrast to a heavily centralized vision of the city, these satellite centres provide specific services to determined areas