EMODNET – Chemical 2 year pilot (June 2009)
3 European Regions 3 Regional conventions 3 EC Institutes
29 National and International Institutes co-ordinating data collection VLIZ BE RBINS-MUMM BE UlG BE IO-BAS BG BSH-DOD DE AWI DE NERI-MAR DK IEO ES IFREMER FR CLS FR TSU-DNA GE NCMR GR MI IE ICES INT IOC-IODE INT BSCS INT OGS IT ENEA IT MARIS NL RWS NL IMR NO NIMRD RO RIHMI-WDC RU SIO-RAS RU SMHI SE NIB-MBS SI MHI UA NERC-BODC UK 29 National and International Institutes co-ordinating data collection National Partner National Data Node
What chemicals are we starting with? Based on MSFD requirement Time series, geographically representative Chemicals in different matrices 17 selected for the pilot
DATA ACCESS OGC viewer + downloading Data products SDN User Interface CDI metadata SDN Shopping Mechanism Extra function Direct data access External sources SDN NODC’s
DATA PRODUCTS CDI metadata CDI metadata CDI metadata
DATA PRODUCTS OGC services Feed to WISE, MarAtlas QA/QC meta-information Link back to the data (CDI)