Turin, April 2008 Roberto Rinaldi
WHAT IS UISP? Uisp (Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti) is a national association for the sport promotion with rhe primary objective of extending to every citizen the rights to practice sport activities. Sport for everybody is matter of health,quality of life, education and sociality. For these reasons it is considered a right of the citizens (recognized as such in the White Book published by the European Commission in July 2007) and object of public Also in Italy this right has been recently recognized, with the creation of a Ministry of Sports
WHAT IS UISP? Il CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano – Italian National Olimpic Committee –Manages sports of high performance (Olimpic games, Professional Football League, etc.) –Focuses on results –Who doesnt reach the goal is out UISP, EPS (Ente di Promozione Sportiva – Sport Promotion Association) leader in Italy –Give everybody the possibility to practice sports, independently of the absolute results –No discriminations (race, gendre, ability, age); on the contrary promotion of social inclusion –Focuses on the individual, the citizen
WHAT WE DO UISP, throught activities and initiatives, has the objective of developping the various aspects of sports: –Competititive (with particular attention to the amateur sport) –Expressive and motion activities (individual or group practices, played out of the structured sport complexes)
WHAT WE DO The National UISP activities of Sport for all have been programmed since early 80s: –Vivicittà, Giocagin, Bicincittà, Mondiali Antirazzisti, Peace Games, Diamoci una Mossa –These initiatives involve in the same days dozens of Italians and foreign cities, in cooperation with important NGOs (Unicef, WWF, Amnesty International, etc.)
OUR NUMBERS members and Sport Associations UISP is present in every Itailan region with 160 Territorial Committees NATIONAL LEAGUES –Athletics, Horseracing, Diving, Bocce, Calcio, Cycling, Dance, Martial Arts, Gym, Byke, Swim, Basket, Volley, Skating, Chess, Ski, Sport d'Acquaviva, Teaditional Games and Sports, Ice Sports, Tennis, Sailing e Windsurf and many others NATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEES Mountain Climbing, Billiard, Karting, Car racing, GolfNATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEES
THE TERRITORIAL COMMITTEE CIRIE SETTIMO CHIVASSO Covers the area at the north of Torino, with over 100 municipalities and inhabitants About 100 Sport Associations (ASD) with almost members, (last year were ) Females are 51,18%, males are 48,82% Young people (up to 19 years old) represents the relative majotity of the members, with 19% of the total; the over 64 years old people are 3% of the total
LEAGUES ACTIVITIES Football –Championships: A11 Men, A5 Men, A5 Women, A5 Boys and Girls Pallavolo –Young People Championships: under 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, boys and girls Athletics –Championships, Cross, Marathons Swimming –Championships Skating –Young people Championships Dance –Meetings ……
PROJECTS ADRESS – Against Drugs and Racism in Europe through Sport and Solidarity –aims at stimulating and supporting active European citizenship among young people and promoting youth sport as a tool for preventing drug abuse and discrimination. Long-lasting relations between youth groups, NGOs and businesses from Bulgaria, Italy and Romania will be established to become the basis of future common initiatives Muoviamocitutti –A project which aims to promote sports and motion activities, with mainly educational and social promotion goals, within the Sport for All framewotk
PROJECTS Diamoci una Mossa Servizio Civile Nazionale Sports and Wellness Young people against Doping
Thank you