05 – 10 September
Institute of Radio Astronomy - INAF Head-quarters in Bologna
Institute of Radio Astronomy Observatories Medicina Noto
Sardinia Radio Telescope
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo Centro Galileo Galilei, La Palma (Isole Canarie) Large Binocular Telescope (Mount Graham, Arizona) ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASTROFISICA Catania Palermo IASF Capodimonte Roma IASF - IFSI Teramo Arcetri Bologna IASF - IRA Padova Trieste Brera IASF Torino Cagliari
Sponsors Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe University of Bologna Department of Astronomy
EC funded project RadioNet is an EC integrating activity that brings together all the major radio observatories in Europe, covering the frequency range of 10 MHz to 1 THz. 27 partners 5 Networking Activities 4 Joint Research Activities 9 Transnational Access programmes Aims: > support the radio astronomy community > improve the capabilities of the major radio astronomy facilities in Europe and beyond > enhance access to those facilities
Transnational Access: EVN, e-MERLIN, Effelsberg, LOFAR, WSRT, APEX, IRAM PdB, IRAM PV, JCMT Joint Research Activities: ALBiUS: Advanced long baseline user software AMSTAR+: Focal plain arrays, 80 GHz – 1 THz Advanced mm and sub-mm Technology APRICOT: All Purpose Radio Imaging Cameras On Telescopes 33 GHz – 50 GHz UniBoard: FPGA-based computing platform for radioastronomical applications Networking Activities: N1 - Management of RadioNet 2 N2 - Science Workshop N3 - European Radio Astronomy Engineering Forum N4 - Training for Radioastronomers N5 – Spectrum Management
14Institutes 21 Radio telescopes
Previous European Radio Interferometry Schools: Manchester5-9 September 2005 Bonn10-15 September 2007 Oxford7-11 September th IRAM Interferometry School, Grenoble, October 4-8, 2010 Next (single dish) schools: Sardinian Summer School in Astrophysics, Pula, September 12 – 17, th IRAM 30m Summer School, Pradollano, September , 2011
Past schools Very Long Baseline Interferometry Techniques and Applications Edited by Marcello Felli and Ralph Spencer Proceeding of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna, Italy September , 1988 The Role of VLBI in Astrophysics, Astrometry and Geodesy Edited by Franco Mantovani and Andrzej Kus Proceeding of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna, Italy September 17 – 29, 2001
LBA, Australia VERA, Japan VLBA, USA
meerKAT, South Africa
Murchison Base, Australia
Golden Age for Radio Astronomy Pietro da Cortona Eta delloro 1637 – affresco Sala della Stufa Palazzo Pitti Firenze
YERAC every year since 1968 YERAC 1980 – Department of Physics, Bologna
Enjoy your stay