Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates Server Side Scripting PHP
Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Variable
Powerpoint Templates Page 3 The Variable Name •start with the “$” characters •Variable names can consist of characters, numbers and underscore “_” •after the “$” character, must be followed or the underscore character "_“ •are case sensitive Example. •$_name •$first_name •$name3 •$lastName •global $_name Æ variabel global
Powerpoint Templates Page 4 example for using variable Use Variable <?php $Name= "Muhammad"; $NAME= "Zein"; $name= "Zidane"; echo "$Name $NAME $name"; ?>
Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Indirect Variable References •Variables that are named from the contents of other variables. •Created when the script is executed (runtime). Example. $name = "Jhon"; $$name = “Registered User"; Result Registered User
Powerpoint Templates Page 6 Predefinied Variable •The name of variable has been used by PHP. •Some Predefined Variable : $GLOBAL → Refers to all global variables. $_SERVER → server environment configuration information. $_GET → The Variable of GET. $_POST → The Variable of HTTP POST. $_FILES → The Variable of HTTP File Upload. $_REQUEST → The Variable of HTTP Request. $_SESSION → The Variable of Session $_COOKIE → The Variable of HTTP Cookie. $php_errormsg → last error message. $http_response_header → response from the HTTP Header reques * Superglobals: global variables that include a script file, without having to define global $ variable. Super Global *
Powerpoint Templates Page 7 Predefinied Variable $GLOBAL •Referring to the global variables in a script. •Array data type.
Powerpoint Templates Page 8 Predefined Variable $_SERVER •Contains the value associated with server information. •Array data type. •Complete documentation: iables.server.php iables.server.php Example : Results :
Powerpoint Templates Page 9 Predefined Variable $_GET •Variables from URL parameters. •Array data type. Example : Create a file with the name predefined_get.php Access that files in the browser and add the parameter Results : Selamat Datang Tom
Powerpoint Templates Page 10 Predefined Variable $_POST •Variables derived from the HTTP POST. •Array data type. •Application in HTML Form Value Properti “name” input elements, to index arrays $_POST Example, file : form.php Example, file : input.php
Powerpoint Templates Page 11 Predefined Variable $_FILES •Variables containing items, uploaded via HTTP POST method. •2-dimensional array of data types •Index Variable $_FILES : $_FILES[‘foto’][‘name’] → Name of the original file on the client computer. $_FILES[‘foto’][‘type’] → mime type. Ex : image/gif $_FILES[‘foto’][‘size’] → file size in byte $_FILES[‘foto’][‘ $_FILES[‘foto’][‘tmp_name’] → Name of the temporary file that is stored on a server uploaded $_FILES[‘foto’][‘error’] → Error code that occurred when uploading
Powerpoint Templates Page 12 Predefined Variable $_COOKIE •Variables derived from HTTP Cookies. •array data type Set cookies on your browser: •setcookie(name, value, expire, path, dom ain, secure, httponly) • cookie.php
Powerpoint Templates Page 13 Predefined Variable $_SESSION •Variable deriver from session •Array type data Using Session in PHP •session_start() •$_SESSION[‘name’] •session_unset() •session_destroy() •
Powerpoint Templates Page 14 Predefined Variable $_REQUEST •Contains the value of $_GET, $_POST, dan $_COOKIE •array data type $php_errormsg •String Type Data
Powerpoint Templates Page 15
Powerpoint Templates Page 16 PHP supported by 8 data type. scalar : •Boolean •Integer •Floating-point •String Compound •Array •Object Khusus •Resources •Null
Powerpoint Templates Page 17 Example 1.Boolean Nilai Boolean Contoh Nilai Boolean $a = TRUE; $b = FALSE; Hasil Eksekusi dengan PHP : <?php $a = TRUE; $b = FALSE; echo "\$a = $a"." "; echo "\$b = $b"; ?>
Powerpoint Templates Page Integer Integer Integer <?php $Harga= 15000; $Jumlah= 5; $HargaTotal = $Harga * $Jumlah; echo "Harga = $Harga"." "; echo "Jumlah = $Jumlah"." "; echo "Harga Total = $HargaTotal"." "; $large_number = ; var_dump ($large_number); echo " "; $large_number = ; var_dump ($large_number); echo " "; var_dump ( 0x ); echo " "; $million = ; $large_number = * $million; var_dump ($large_number); ?>