Jeopardy Vocab. 1Vocab 2Gram 1 La opción correcta Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.


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© Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Round 1Round 2 Final Jeopardy.
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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy Vocab. 1Vocab 2Gram 1 La opción correcta Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1 Hace frío. Necesito una camisa de ______________________.

$100 Answer from H1 manga larga

$200 Question from H1 No sé que talla soy. ¿Puedes tomarme _____________.

$200 Answer from H1 las medidas

$300 Question from H1 Estos zapatos son chicos. Me _________ mucho.

$300 Answer from H1 aprietan

$400 Question from H1 El precio es más bajo. Está ________ o ________. *What are the 2 ways to state this in Spanish?

$400 Answer from H1 rebajado Or en liquidación

$500 Question from H1 Para mi dinero yo llevo _____. Nombra 3 posibilidades.

$500 Answer from H1 portamonedas monedero billetera cartera

$100 Question from H2 I bought a wool skirt at the department store.

$100 Answer from H2 Yo compré una falda de lana en el almacén.

$200 Question from H2 She is going to buy a navy blue Suit.

$200 Answer from H2 Va a comprar un traje (sastre) azul marino.

$300 Question from H2 She bought a gold belt buckle For her belt.

$300 Answer from H2 Compró una hebilla de oro para su cinturón.

$400 Question from H2 She wears a light pink business suit.

$400 Answer from H2 Lleva un traje sastre rosado ligero.

$500 Question from H2 The price is low and it is in good taste. Its a bargain!

$500 Answer from H2 El precio es bajo y es de buen gusto. ¡Es una ganga!

$100 Question from H3 She tries on the red one. (sweater)

$100 Answer from H3 Ella se prueba el rojo.

$200 Question from H3 I like those shoes but I am going to buy these (ones).

$200 Answer from H3 Me gustan esos zapatos pero voy a comprar éstos.

$300 Question from H3 What do you think of this?

$300 Answer from H3 ¿Qué piensas de esto?

$400 Question from H3 This jacket is too simple. I like the dressy one.

$400 Answer from H3 Esta chaqueta es demasiado sencilla. Me gusta la vistosa.

$500 Question from H3 That one over there (ring) that is in/on the counter is beautiful.

$500 Answer from H3 Aquél que está en el mostrador es bonito/lindo.

$100 Question from H4 Your (familiar) earrings cost a fortune.

$100 Answer from H4 Tus aretes/pendientes cuestan una fortuna/ un ojo de la cara.

$200 Question from H4 She has received as many gifts as the others.

$200 Answer from H4 Ella ha recibido tantos regalos como los otros.

$300 Question from H4 Are theirs made of silk? (ties)

$300 Answer from H4 ¿Son suyas de seda?

$400 Question from H4 My jacket is velvet but HERS is corduroy.

$400 Answer from H4 Mi chaqueta es de terciopelo pero LA SUYA es de pana.

$500 Question from H4 This scarf is purple, but that one over there is orange.

$500 Answer from H4 Esta bufanda es morada pero aquélla es anaranjada.

$100 Question from H5 Mi monedero es de plástico. Voy a comprarme __________ de piel. (un, uno)

$100 Answer from H5 UNO: when using the indef. masc. sing. article as a noun, un becomes uno.

$200 Question from H5 _______ blusa es de seda, ¿verdad? (Esa, ésa)

$200 Answer from H5 Esa: no accent because it is used with the noun (blouse) and is not a pronoun.

$300 Question from H5 Me encantan esas chaquetas, pero voy a comprar ______________. (estas, aquéllas)

$300 Answer from H5 Aquéllas: need a pronoun (replacing chaquetas to avoid repeating it again)

$400 Question from H5 ¿Qué piensas de __________? (este, esto)

$400 Answer from H5 Esto: neutral demonstrative needed (end in o because what is being referenced in unspecific.

$500 Question from H5 __________ que tengo en mi mano son mis favoritos. (éstos, ésos)

$500 Answer from H5 Éstos: They are in my hand so use these, not those

Final Jeopardy The polka dot one (dress) fits her well with these high heels and that necklace over there because it is pretty.

Final Jeopardy Answer El de bolitas le queda bien con estos zapatos de tacón y aquel collar porque es bonito/lindo.