Edwin A. Valentijn Prof Astronomical Information Technology Target- OmegaCEN – Kapteyn University of Groningen e-science platform 29 October2013 Target DATA FEDERATIONS Probing Big data for Answers using Data about Data
Target Dit project wordt medegefinancierd door het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling en door het ministerie van EZ, Pieken in de Delta. Het project wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door de gemeente Groningen, de provincie Groningen, de provincie Drenthe en SNN en staat onder auspiciën van Sensor Universe.
Data federations datacentric approach • Federated dataservers • Our own • GPFS • GRID • Federated databases • Oracle • Open source • Distributed computing Target
AstroWise -> Wise “living archives” • Modeling dependencies • 64 bit identifyer • Terabytes of pointers • Extreme datalineage ++ • Distributed-acces-proces- calibrate- QC –analysis • KiDs • 11 nodes-260 users • 2Pb, 45M file • 10 Giga table entries • Web + Python interface Target Experimental Astronomy Volume 35 januari 2013 Topical issue 19 papers 389 pages Leiden Groningen Bonn Munich Padua Naples Potsdam Nijmegen Toulouse WFAU CASU VO Lyon Zürich
Distributed communities acces-proces-calibrate-analyse Present KiDS o researchers ~10 labs Future Euclid: o 1200 registered members and growing o 700 researchers o 130 laboratories/departments o 13 European countries contributing: Austria, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain,Switzerland, Portugal, Romania, UK o NASA/US: provides the IR detectors. o Canada: in negociation
LOWISE – LOFAR LTA Target EGEE Julich – SARA GRID ftp 5 Petabyte/year EGEE Julich – SARA GRID ftp 5 Petabyte/year
MuseWISE Target ESO VLT IFS 24 IFU 100 Gb/night
National Archive Target
Integration Lifelines – Healthcare persons- 30 years LifeWise AstroInformatics 2011 METABASE MOLGENIS Molecular Care Physiology GCC
IJKDIJK TNO -Target Holding - Dijkdatacenter Target
Euclid Mission Archive Target – ESA data centric approach Target
Euclid Archive System data centric approach Target Metadata Repository ESAC + RUG