Hominids Jasira Ziglar Kenneth Cortavarria
General Info Hominins are a group of 20 extinct species (and humans) All of the remains of Hominids were found in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia…) Some “subgroups”: ~ Australopith group: Australopithecus anamensis, Australopithecus africanus ~“Homo” group: Homo erectus, Homo georgicus, Homo habilis, Homo Neaderthalenis
Ardipithecus ramidus
Homo Sapiens
Interesting Info Oldest living Hominid lived 6-7 million years ago (Sahelanthropus tchadensis) Importance to humans: this group helps us to understand how humans came to be There was once several species of Hominins living at the same time, but the lineage that led to Homo sapiens sapiens lived on, and the rest died
Bibliography All About Chimpanzees - EnchantedLearning.com. (n.d.). ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from Berger., L. (2010, April 30). Hominid Species. TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from Chimpanzee Skeleton 3D Model - Falling Pixel. (n.d.). Buy and Sell 3D Models - Falling Pixel 3D Marketplace. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from Fazale. (n.d.). Neanderthal genome - Neandertalin ihminen. Helsinki.fi - Helsingin seudun tapahtumat, uutiset ja hakupalvelut yhdestä osoitteesta. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from Species Timeline. (n.d.). Information Technology Learning Systems Group - Home Page. Retrieved February 17, 2011, from modules/top_longfor/timeline/timeline.html modules/top_longfor/timeline/timeline.html AP Biology 8 th Edition Textbook