Historiske eksempler - fortællingen Janos Flösser CEO Io Interactive Johannes Døberenens afhuggede hovedSkt. Anthonys fristelse Heksene fra Shakespeares MacBeth
Historiske eksempler - censur Marcel Duchamp – Dada Elvis Presley Sid Viscious
Det digitale Danmark •Radio stationer: AM 2, FM 355 (1998) •TV stationer: 26 (1998) •Internetabonnementer: mill (2003) •Telefoner fastnet – linier i brug:3.656 mill (2003) •Mobiltelefoner: mill (2003)
Top Ten Industry Facts 1. 50% of all Americans age six and older play computer and video games 2. The average age of a game player is 29 years old 3. 39% of game players are women 4. Computer and video game software sales grew 8% in 2002 to $6.9 billion and are expected to show strong growth over the next few years 5. In 2002, more than 221 million computer and video games were sold, or almost two game for every household in America 6. All games are rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board of the top 20 best selling games in 2002 were rated “E” for everyone or “T” for teen 8. 92% of all games are purchased by adults over the age of % of parents surveyed who have children under the age of 18 said they are paying attention to the content of the computer and video games their children play, and 60% of parents say they play interactive games with their kids at least once a month. 10. The vast majority of people who play games do so with friends and family. (Almost 60% of frequent game players play with friends, 33% play with siblings, and about one quarter play with their spouse and/or parents) Tal fra USA Kilde: IDSA (Interactive Digital Software Association