Finnish Research Landscape, Science Policy & Horizon 2020 Finnish Research Landscape, Science Policy & Horizon 2020 Eeva Kaunismaa, Department for Higher Education and Science
Knowledge triangle Innovation Science and Research Education Tämän dian avulla voi kertoa yleisesti hyvin lyhyesti innovaatiojärjestelmästämme, joka nojaa vahvaan peruskoulutukseen ja korkeakoulutukseen ja tutkimukseen. Kuvat ylävasemmalta: HY kirjasto, Millennium palkinto-logo, kemian tutkimukseen liittyvä kuva, ammattikorkeakoulu x:n kurssi, ylhäällä oikealla Aalto yliopiston opetuksesta, promootio yliopisto xx ja viimeisenä ihanat pienet sankarit koulun ruokalassa.
Investment in R&D and talent Finland has a high number of researchers in relation to the whole population/those in employment Nevertheless, only 17 % of these researchers have a PhD Finnish expenditures on R&D has been and still is high. The EU target for expenditure on R&D is 3 %. The countries that have reached this target are FI, SE, DK Need for - more efficient R&I system: generating the best possible output from invested input - more effective system: more relevant outcomes for the economy and society
GDP, change in volume, per cent
Figure 1. Finland’s innovation system in international comparison: input indicators Good: Public R&D, number of personnel and funding for basic Where we lack: Internationalisation: Foreign-born researchers, foreign-owned companies, business R&D financed by abroad Source: Research and Innovation Council, RIC
Figure 2. Finland’s innovation system in international comparison: output indicators Source: Research and Innovation Council, RIC
OECD Policy Recommendations for Finland (February 2013) Maintain a strong government support in basic R&D and education Improve academic performance by distributing research grants according to performance Create incentives for competition, specialisation and scale economies in university research Focus government support for R&D, entrepreneurship and start-ups on addressing externalities in terms of education, R&D spill-overs and creating highly productive jobs
Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutes University (blue) Polytechnic (green) Research institute (red)
Suomalaisten välinen yhteistyö Lähde: Euroopan komissio (tilanne 19.6.2012), NAG Partners -analyysi
Government Programme and joint objectives of the higher education system An open, fair and confident Finland Reduction of poverty, inequality and social exclusion Consolidation of public finances Enhancing sustainable economic growth, employment and competitiveness In 2020, the Finnish higher education system provides higher quality and is more international and more efficient than today. Contracts between universities and the Ministry of Education and Culture Strong units of higher education as the foundation of expertise Faster transition to working life from high-quality education Competitiveness, well-being and effectiveness through research and innovation activities Internationalisation safeguards quality Development of the higher education community Task, profile and focus areas of the university Central development targets Funding
Higher education Higher education network is still too fragmented, structural development to be continued starting in 2013, an art university will be created though a merger of the Sibelius Academy, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Theatre Academy to enhance the quality and efficiency of higher education, measures will be taken to promote joint use of facility services and teacher resources across institutional boundaries Polytechnics to be reformed the steering of polytechnics based on financing and statutes will be reformed from the beginning of 2014 to expedite their structural reform and to improve the quality and impact of their operations. operating licences of polytechnics will be revised from the beginning of 2014 greater regional impact and more close links between polytechnics and regional development and working life Quality education expedites entry into the labour market the reform of higher education admissions and study structures by the end of 2015 in order to expedite entry into higher education first-time applicants' chances of being admitted to be improved Promotion of researcher training and research careers the annual target for the number of doctorates is 1,600. universities will shift the focus from researcher training to the development of researcher careers (tenure tracks) Measures will be taken to improve conditions for basic research in universities and for innovation and product development in polytechnics in particular Great emphasis on internationalisation of HEIs
Funding of the Finnish HE sector Public funding for HEIs: Universities € 1,8 bn (state), Polytechnics € 0,9 bn (state and municipalities) Funding allocated to the universities and to the polytechnics in a lump sum Public research funding allocated to universities also by Academy of Finland & Tekes € 0,3 bn Private funding to HE institutions mainly to R&D
Research Funding in Finland, 2012, millions of € Universities Universities, research Gov. research institutes Academy of Finland Tekes Foundations EU (FP7*) 1800 583 306 324 552 250 110
University Personnel
Doctoral Training 1995-2012 2013- Entrance to doctoral studies varies 1995-2012 2013- Entrance to doctoral studies varies Responsibility of student entrance is clear Graduate school board Entrance procedure, supervision, guidance, evaluation, follow-up, feedback doctoral students doctoral students Transferable skills National doctoral network programme involving research institutes Director Discipline specific education Doctoral programme Director Discipline specific education Doctoral programme Director National doctoral interuniversity network programme Director Discipline specific education RENEWAL OF THE DOCTORAL TRAINING Has been prepared in common understanding between universities, the Ministry of Education and the Academy of Finland Equal rights to all students despite of the discipline and university: graduate schools and programmes should involve all doctoral students Selection of students has not always been transparent or thoroughly considered Instead of supporting just a part of disciplines all fields should be encouraged to more structured doctoral education Details up to the 14 universities - all have started renewing their systems The Ministry of Education sets common strategic goals The Academy of Finland supports doctoral education in all its applicable funding instruments National doctoral interuniversity network programme Director National doctoral network programme involving research institutes Director International doctoral programme Director Doctoral programmes Director International doctoral programme Director Doctoral studies
Internationalisation Strategy for HEIs 2009-2015 To create a genuinely international higher education community Increase in the quality and attractiveness of higher education institutions Education and expertise export Supporting a multicultural society Promotion of global responsibility Korkeakoulujen rooli muuttuvassa maailmassa – kriittinen ja luova ajattelu – on pystyttävä vastaamaan yhä vaikeampiin haasteisiin, siksi vuorovaikutustaidot ja ongelmanratkaisukyvyt nousevat esiin yhä voimakkaammin Suomessa olemme joutuneet pienenä maana pohtimaan asemaamme ja rooliamme muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä. 2009 laadimme yhteistyössä kaikkien hallinnonalan toimijoiden kanssa yhteisen kansainvälistymisstrategian, joka on edelleen ajankohtainen olemme keskellä rakenteellisia muutoksia ja uusimme korkeakoulujen rahoitusmalleja nämä toimenpiteet kumpuavat tavoitteellisesta laadun parantamisesta muuttuvassa ympäristössämme REHTORI Pei sanoi hyvin Tongjissa viime viikolla: we need right people – ”happy and angry birds” – professors, experts and young talented students – and imagination! Even the most imaginary visions can be realized – if we really have the will. – tämä ei ole mahdollista ilman hyvin toimivaa, laadukasta korkeakoulujärjestelmää
Academy of Finland funding for foreign researchers/ career grants (10% in 2008, 15 % in 2011) . 41 akatemia professoria 2012 289 akatemiatutkijaa Source: Academy of Finland 2012.
Decision-making in the European Union European Commission’s power of execution/implementation Council’s Working Party Coreper Council European Parliament European Commission’s (legislative) proposal
Council of the European Union Member States - national interest Interest of the European Union (common interest) European Commission - initiative Council Presidency - compromise
Current Negotiations on Horizon 2020 Positive progress in trilogies Council Presidency (IE) goal: General Agreement in June Still under discussion Some structural questions (spreading excellence, widening participation, science for and with society) Some objectives and actions regarding e.g. SMEs, energy, cultural heritage Questions regarding implementation (e.g. full cost model, time-to-contract) The implementation at national level when the negotiations are finalised The role of the Academy of Finland and Tekes
Photo: Sara Djupsund