The hypothalamo-hypophyseal systems. The pituitary gland
Regulation of endocrine organs Közp. idegr. Neurosecretion: secreration of neruon gets into the bloodstream Negative feedback: hormons of target organ inhibit the adenohypophysis Releasing hormon (pl. CRF) Adenohypophysis sejt (pl. corticotrop) Glandotrop hormon (pl. ACTH)
Pituitary gland: parts - Median eminence
Embryology: Rathke’s pouch + floor of diencephalon Problem: craniopharyngioma tumors
Acidophil: GH, PROL
Secreted hormone Abbreviation Produced by Effect Oxytocin Magnocellular neurosecretory cells Uterine contraction Lactation (letdown reflex) Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) ADH Magnocellular neurosecretory neurons Increase in the permeability to water of the cells of distal tubule and collecting duct in the kidney and thus allows water reabsorption and excretion of concentrated urine
Portal circulation
DA or PIH GHRH GnRH or LHRH CRH or CRF Secreted hormone Abbreviation Produced by Effect Thyrotropin-releasing hormone TRH, TRF, or PRH Parvocellular neurosecretory neurons Stimulate thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) release from anterior pituitary (primarily) Dopamine (Prolactin-inhibiting hormone) DA or PIH arcuate nucleus Inhibit prolactin release from anterior pituitary Growth hormone-releasing hormone GHRH Arcuate nucleus Stimulate Growth hormone (GH) release from anterior pituitary Somatostatin (growth hormone-inhibiting hormone) SS, GHIH, or SRIF Periventricular nucleus Inhibit Growth hormone (GH) release from anterior pituitary Inhibit thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) release from anterior pituitary Gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH or LHRH Preoptic area Stimulate follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) release from anterior pituitary Stimulate luteinizing hormone (LH) release from anterior pituitary Corticotropin-releasing hormone CRH or CRF Stimulate adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release from anterior pituitary
Chromophils Acidophils - Somatotrophs - Mammotrophs Basophils - Thyrotrophs - Corticotrophs - Gonadotrophs Chromophobes
Herring bodies (Gömöri / chrome haematoxylin phloxine)
3.: Bitemporal hemianposia