CORSO DI LAUREA IN SCIENZE DELLAMMINISTRAZIONE LANGUAGE AND SOCIETY Prof.ssa Eleonora Consoli LINGUA INGLESE a.a.2005/2006 Le slides seguenti sono schede riassuntive della prima parte della dispensa. Si raccomanda di non trascurare lo studio degli ultimi argomenti ed esattamente: From Enemies to Friends. With America or Europe. Richer or Poorer.The British System. The American System.
Two Englishmen who have never met before, come face to face in a railway compartment What are they going to do?
They start talking about the weather. Why? Are they interested in climatic conditions? Is it embarassing not to speak?
Social function of language A means of communicating information establishing relationships conveying information about the speaker (origins, ideas, social status)
Close relationship between language and society Varieties of language regional social
Both regional dialects and languages change gradually from place to place.
If we choose to place the dividing line between the two at the country boundary, we base our decision on social, or local- government, on political rather than on linguistic facts.
Standard English A variety of English which is used in print taught in schools to non-native speakers
Seven types of meaning Conceptual meaning Connotative meaning Stylistic meaning Affective meaning Reflected meaning Collocative meaning Thematic meaning
Conceptual meaning Logical content Woman + human + adult - male
Connotative meaning What language refers to Woman Frail, sweet
Stylistic meaning Social circumstances of language use Dialect Written
Affective meaning Feelings of the speaker or the writer terribly sorry
Reflected meaning Association with another sense of the same expression Taboo words
Collocative meaning Association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word Pretty / handsome
Thematic meaning The way in which the message is organized Mrs. Bessie donated … The first prize was donated …