Energy Policy some issues … Charalampos Theopemptou Commissioner for the Environment Akamas
Some measures Lara • Efficient use of energy •Energy production and renewables [energy service] • Buildings •Town Planning •Transport
Equipment- new stuff •Old burner and boilers have very low efficiencies. As an example a 20 year old system had an efficiency of 50% to 60% but now this is more than 90% - MAINTENANCE •Low energy lamps and LED technology <- Halogen. •Street lighting, natural and interior lighting •Power Factor correction and Voltage control •Educate the public ! Ακάμας reduction of demand >>>> reduction of demand <<<<
Buildings •Orientation, insulation and shading •Government buildings •Correct HVAC systems for each building ( floor heating suitable ?) •Educate Architects and engineers on new systems and choices. •Inform the public what is the right thing to do in winter and summer Πύργος
Town planning - Buy Local ! •Small size commercial centers •Easy access on foot or using a bike to school, shopping and leisure areas! •Pedestrian crossings •Parks and trees on pavements •Heat Island effect Γερακιές
Transport •Public transport •Park n Ride •Low emissions vehicles •Cycling and cycle networks •Health and walking •Work from home •City center control •Airport connections •School and student busses Lara beach
We are running out of time …. Acroteri Τέλος …
Ευχαριστώ.. ΠύργοςΧαράλαμπος Θεοπέμπτου – Επίτροπος Περιβάλλοντος