Team System ERFA Rosario++
Rosario ++ Agenda:
Rosario (Process/Work Items) •VSTS Process for Agile Software dev. 1.0 –SCRUM elementer –Project Management •Project Wiki, Dashboards, Excel •Work Item hieraki –Endnu ikke state dependent •Description formattering –Endnu ingen billede-link
Rosario (Branching/Merging) •Branching/merging 1.Følg merges på tværs af branches 2.Er en given change med i relevante branches? 3.Hvordan relaterer mine branches sig 4.Generelt statistik om branch mod andre •Hvornår var sidste merge, hvor meget har ændret sig, Hvor store konflikter, hva vil blive ”merged over” –Support for "baseless" merges across sibling branches to the GUI!!!!!
Rosario (brancing/merging)
Rosario (Misc) •History –Changes will be made to the changeset view to provide the ability to track changes across branches and merges, provide a view for labels on an item, and enable actions to be taken on items in history •Core Linking work item tracking –Link typer •Resolve conflicts forbedringer –Færre modale dialoger, flere optioner
Rosario (Misc) •Enterprise TFS Management –Team Project Collections –Multiple App tiers, Multiple DB Tiers •TFS Management Server –Location Service –Catalog Service •Projects groups (Team project hierakier), team project collections, sikkerhed –Project Search
Rosario (Misc) •Query Folders –A feature for enabling you to organize your work item queries into a folder hierarchy. •Add to source control –Fra alle mapper (ikke kun mapped) –Fra Windows Explorer •Forbedret label dialog •GUI for management –Web eller MMC plugin?
++ •Sp1 til TFS2008 –Add to Source •ny wizard •Fra Windows Explorer –Version control of unbound files •Behøver ikke være del af en solution –Send Mail from TFS –Fuld versionskontrol support for filer, der ikke er med i en solution –Checkin date/time i source Explorer
++ •Sp1 til TFS2008 –Mappe foldere direkte fra Source Explorer –Flere projekter pr. TFS Server –SQL Server 2008 –Visual Source Safe migration tool (vssconverter.exe) bugfixes –(Hvornår: senere i år, beta1 tæt på)
++ •Ny TFS2008 Power Tools (Marts) –Unshelve to a different branch –Scriptable Team Project creation –TFSServerManager (klient) –Process Template Editor support for custom work item controls –Work Item Template forbedringer •Til eks. standardudfyldelse af Work Items –64-bit SharePoint support
++ •Conchango SCRUM v1.2 på TFS2008 •Conchango SCRUM v2.1 -> TFS2008 released •TFS To TFS migration Tool •Requirements Management med TFS
++ •Moving Dual -> Single Server –Blog/dokument
Referencer •Rosario download – spx?familyid=65d0e3bd-9df3-421a-804f- 8f01bd90f0b4&displaylang=en&tmhttp:// spx?familyid=65d0e3bd-9df3-421a-804f- 8f01bd90f0b4&displaylang=en&tm •Brian Harrys blog om TFS2008, sp1 – /28/team-foundation-server-2008-sp1.aspx /28/team-foundation-server-2008-sp1.aspx –TFS to TFS migration Tool –
Referencer •Nyt TFS2008 VPC – spx?FamilyID=c7a809d8-8c9f-439f bc &displaylang=enhttp:// spx?FamilyID=c7a809d8-8c9f-439f bc &displaylang=en •Conchango SCRUM v2.1 – ult.aspxhttp:// ult.aspx •Conchango upgrade Report “fix” – ding-tfs-2005-to-tfs-2008.html ding-tfs-2005-to-tfs-2008.html
Referencer •Brian Harrys blog om branch/merge – /16/new-features-to-understand-branching- merging.aspx /16/new-features-to-understand-branching- merging.aspx –Giv gerne feedback på scenarier •TFS 2008 Marts PowerTools downloads – /21/march-08-team-foundation-server-power- tools-released.aspx /21/march-08-team-foundation-server-power- tools-released.aspx •
Referencer •VSTS Rosario Specs. – us/teamsystem/bb aspx us/teamsystem/bb aspx