Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ AGENDA, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 Financing Technology Ventures
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Announcements •5-liner on Pain, Value creation & Jury to by end this week, Example: Group NN is working within software development Pain: the new multi-core processors require new programming techniques that are difficult for programmers to adapt Value creation: group NN offers a software tool that makes multicore programming easy and efficiant. Companies will save money and stay competitive. Software products will run better. Programmers will maintain professional skills. Jury: programmers and software company management •Sign up to the 3 min. Pitch, Tuesday next: send a mail to Torben at
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ FINANCING Technology Ventures Agenda •Capital: for what ? •Types of Capital •Types vs. Business Development Phases Investor types •The Investor’s Quality Criteria •Evaluation of Companies •Example: cracking the numbers
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Capital: for what? Business Development! Risc Minded Patient Competent Time Cash flow
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ The entrepreneur’s most important Capital Sources •F•FFF •I•In KindOther peoples ressources •Y•Your first customer:The more pain, the better •I•Investors’ moneyLast resort – unless you are in an extraordinary need for speed Family, Friends & Fools
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Types of Capital •You have it:Savings, personal fortune •You get it:Grants •You borrow it:Loan capital •You sell shares:Share capital private equity equity capital Try to reduce dependancy!Live on a Rock Start selling! In kind
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ GRANTS •Public Industrial Development Programs •Ministerial focus area •Private Foundations •Etc.! See • Comments: •Dream-capital for start-ups •Hard to find but it happens •In EU: limit: EUR •Grants are taxable income, but expenditures are tax deductable.
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ LOAN CAPITAL •Banks •Credit Institutions like FIHFIH •Private debt providers •Special products like Vækstkaution, Mezzanine capital etc. Comments: •Cheap for the entrepreneur – Expensive for the Company Paied back by the company. The entrepreneur preserves ownership •Personal collateral mandatory in the start-up phase. If business flops: repayment after personal tax. No tax-deduction! •Investor runs a business Never forget it in the momentarily enthusiasm
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ LOAN CAPITAL - 2 The Convertible Loan •Normal interest and repayment profile •Can be converted into share capital on specific conditions and specific milestones Comments: •Some advantages in the start-up phase Less initial dilution of the founders. Investor may convert to preserve ownership at new funding rounds. • Check the conditions Investor gets a strong handle bar Conversion right linked to milestone specifications. Eg.: conversion rate linked to quantified performance.
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ SHARE CAPITAL – private equity Investor buys shares in the company •At kick-off with the founders •Later: at capital increase (Funding rounds) Comments: •Expensive for the entrepreneur – Cheap for the Company Nothing to pay back - but founders are diluted. Think about that, when valuation passes a gazillion. •Possible mismatch in longterm objectives The investor wants a rapidly expanding business – to be sold at the right time, whereas the founders may have completely different personal goals and they are probably also more risk adverse
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ EXIT The inherent consequence of equity financing Investor converts assets to cash •IPO: Initial Public Offering Rare but rewarding •Trade Sale Acquisition •Management buy-out/buy-in Not best but ROI > 0 •Earn-outs Even worse but ROI > 0 •Repayment of loans Not sustainable for VC •Enforcing preferences Cutting the loss
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Capital types in Business development •Before Kick-off Pre-seed investment: own ressources, FFF, in-kind, first customer Venture Cases: also special share capital (pre-seed) •Start-up Seed investment: share capital, special loans, own money •Growth and commercial development Early stage, 2. round etc.: share capital, ordinary + special loans Time Cash flow Technology wears out Inflection Point: first customer!
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Investors Pre-seed FFF: the Business Angels Innovation environments Seed – Early Stage SEED Capital Denmark Business Angels Venture Capital companies (VC) Vækstfonden Second round, follow-on VC and Corporate Venture Capital Credit Institutions Banks Vækstfonden Some stock exchanges like First North
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ The Investors Valuation Criteria 4P •Perspectives Pain, market size/share exit-op. •Persons Track records, competencies, ambition •Platform Proof of principle, concept, value, pull, profit •Process The project acc. to the Business Plan Comments: •Must be a Venture Case: ROI > 10 in less than 5 years. (126 rule) •The team is the singlemost important precondition •Platform: the more commercial proofs, the better. Commercial proofs reflect risk and competence
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Investors’ Valuation Principles 1 Valuation Time IPR estbl. First solid customer feedback. Growth potential substantiated Proof of Principle. Proof of Concept. Proof of Market Proof of Management Exit opportunities substantiated Proof of Profit Proof of Scalability Risc Value
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Investors’ Valuation Principles 2 Management Market Potential Sellability Valuation
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Dancing with Woolves Or how to deal with investors •Capital always Wins •Your investor has done this many times •Your investor is not depending on you •Your investor has lots of time Negotiating tactics: •Freedom of Maneovering Never enter negotiations without having fall-back positions. •No major payments that jeopardize your project Your investor will find out at ”due diligence” •Don’t go for money unless you can do without Make that clear from the beginning •If you are asked for exclusivity: it costs (all claims cost) Exclusivity reduces your freedom of maneovering •Try to get more investors into the game – transparently •The more proofs before investment – the better •Strategic partners also an asset •Get yourself a management team before opening the game
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ EXAMPLE: GBQ Ltd. Capital need: Proof of Business app. DKK 5 mio -> Proof of Market Kick-off: DKK DKK Founders + pre-seed investor Private equity + convertible loan First Milestone: DKK Pre-seed investor: private equity Second Milestone: DKK Venture Capital Company: private equity Exit: Profits (EBITDA) > 20 mio. DKK (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) Valuation based on Price /Earnings (P/E) ~ 10
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Kick-off DKK shares and DKK loan Shares: founder + pre-seed investor Loan:Pre-seed investor DKK is paied to the bank account of the newly formed company. (DKK is paied in start-up costs) Convertible loan, DKK is paied to the bank account Total input of cash: DKK
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ 1. Milestone Contribution through capital expansion Loan converted into shares at the same time DKK is paied to the bank account Total input of cash at MS1: DKK
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ 2. Round Contribution through capital expansion New VC investor enters DKK is paied to the bank account Total input of cash at 2R: DKK
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ Exit Rule 126: 100 mio T/O, 20% revenues (EBITDA) in 6 years Profits (EBITDA) = 20 mio. DKK. (T/O ≈ 100 mio. DKK, 30 – 60 employees) P/E ~ 10 Price:10 X 20 mio. DKK = 200 mio. DKK • Founders: 36.9% 74 mio • Investor A23,1%46 mioROI = 60 • Investor B40,0%80 mio ROI = 15
Institut for Produktion og Ledelse Danmarks Tekniske Universitet John Heebøll VÆKSTHUS+ The End of the Game