TTS Italia Mission To promote the implementation, development and diffusion of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy in the most effective manner for users To work together towards common architectures To disseminate the knowledge and information on ITS in Italy
Prime Associates ACI – Automobile Club Italia Autostrada Brescia - Padova Autostrada Torino -Milano Autostrade SpA Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti Mizar Automazione STA – Agenzia per la Mobilità del Comune di Roma ST Microelectronics Targa Sys
ACCENTURE ACTV Venezia ANIE ATAC Atlanet Autostrada VE-PD Autovie Venete Centro Ricerche Fiat 5T Torino CSST ENEA eSPIN Global Value Hello Truck Iveco Mekfin Powersoft SEPA Tele Atlas Viasat Ordinary Associates
Actions started Working Groups coordination about strategic issues regarding ITS Support to applications interoperability, also through standardisation Participation to National and European R&D projects on ITS and dissemination of their results Creation of a National Observatory to monitor the telematics development/diffusion state of art
Working Group TRADEX (TRAvel Data EXchange) Participants: ASTM, Autostrade; 5T Torino, STA, ATAC Spa, Mizar The TRADEX objective is to analyse the problems connected to the generation and distribution of traffic data: -ownership; -distinction between public and private data. The final document is on its way to be completed.
Working Group FORMAT (Feasible Open Robust Modular Architecture for Transport) Participants: ATAC, ATAF, ATC, ATM Milano, CRF, ELSAG, ENEA, Mizar, 5T Torino, ANIE, Univ. Di Salerno The FORMAT objective is to define an Architecture as an agreed reference, at national level, for the open telematics system development for the Local Public Transport The document with the FORMAT guidelines is available at the address