0 Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges CAAST-Net Plus is funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and.


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Presentation transcript:

0 Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges CAAST-Net Plus is funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7/ ) under grant agreement n This document reflects only the author’s views and the European Union cannot be held liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. Nigeria in FP7 Characteristics of Nigerian participation in FP7 caast-net-plus.org Constantine Vaitsas FORTH/PRAXI Network December 2013

1 Nigeria in FP7 Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges • 30 participations in 27 EU-funded projects (total by September 2013, excluding Marie Curie actions) • €3.7 million of EU contribution for research • Nigeria is the 11 th most successful African country in FP7 in terms of numbers of participations in projects • Nigeria is the 12 th in terms of total EU contribution

2 Nigeria in FP7 Success Rate 27 main listed proposals out of 131 with Nigerian participation Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges

3 Nigeria in FP7 Evolution over time ( ) for successful projects Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges

4 Nigeria in FP7 Most prominent themes Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges

5 Nigeria in FP7 Proposal success rate per theme Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges

6 Nigeria in FP7 EC Contribution per theme for Nigeria Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges

7 Nigeria in FP7 Most prominent Nigerian Participants Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges

8 Nigeria in FP7 EC contribution for each Nigerian Participant Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges 3 projects 2 projects

9 Nigeria in FP7 EU Coordinators Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges

10 Nigeria in FP7 Coordinators country of origin Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges

11 Nigeria in FP7 Most prominent EU countries for cooperation Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges UK :14 Norway:1 Germany:2 Netherlands :1 Italy :2 Spain :2 Denmark: 1 Greece :1 Portugal :1 Belgium :1

12 Nigeria in FP7 Cooperation with EU countries Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges ENVERCHEALTHICTINCOKBBEPEOPLESiSSMESPA Belgium China Germany Denmark Greece Spain Italia Netherlands Norway Portugal UK 4210

13 Nigeria in FP7 Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges PREFACE - Enhancing prediction of tropical Atlantic climate and its impacts • Aim : to improve climate prediction and the quantification of climate change impacts in the region; to improve understanding of the cumulative effects of the multiple stressors of climate variability, greenhouse induced climate change, and fisheries on marine ecosystems, and ecosystem services • November 2013 to October 2017 • EU contribution of €9 million • Led by University of Bergen (Norway) with 17 other European partners and 10 African partners including University of Nigeria • [ ] ENVIRONMENT

14 Nigeria in FP7 Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges ICONZ - Integrated Control of Neglected Zoonoses: improving human health and animal production through scientific innovation and public engagement • Aim: to improve human health and animal production in developing countries through integrated control of neglected zoonoses in animals, based on scientific innovation and public engagement. The project aims to tackle eight neglected zoonoses. • April 2009 to March 2014 • EU contribution of €6 million • Led by the University of Edinburgh (UK) with 12 other European partners and 9 African partners including the National Veterinary Research Institute (Nigeria) • [ ] HEALTH

15 Nigeria in FP7 Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges EMERALD - Emerging mental health systems in low- and middle-income countries • Aim: to improve mental health outcomes by enhancing health system performance, by addressing (i) adequate, fair and sustainable resourcing; (ii) integrated service provision; and (iii) improved coverage & goal attainment; in Ethiopia, India, Nepal, Nigeria, SA and Uganda. • from November 2012 to October 2017 • EU contribution of €5.8 million • Led by the King's College London (UK) with 3 other European partners and 5 African partners including the University of Ibadan (Nigeria) • [ ] HEALTH

16 Nigeria in FP7 Building Bi-regional Partnerships for Global Challenges European Network for Advanced Research on Olfaction for Malaria Transmitting Insect Control • Aim: In this project, the specificity of odour recognition by Anopheles gambiae odorant binding proteins (OBPs) and odorant receptors (ORs) is being investigated and correlated with quantifiable physiological and behavioural responses. • from December 2008 to December 2012 • EU contribution of €2.5 million • Led by the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (GR) with 8 other European partners and 1 African partner including the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (Nigeria) • [ ] HEALTH

17 CAAST-Net PlusBuilding bi-regional partnerships for global challenges CAAST-Net Plus is funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7/ ) under grant agreement n This document reflects only the author’s views and the European Union cannot be held liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. Thank you caast-net-plus.org Constantine Vaitsas FORTH/PRAXI Network December 2013