1. Background •Norway’s preparation for the ”post oil” economic situation – the importance of labour •Service sector challenges – productivity and innovation •Policy challenges – heterogeneity and the innovation system •Firm level challenges – differentiation, service innovation complexity, intangibility and regulation •Thus, –Use the Norwegian policy instrument Centres for Research-based Innovation (CRI) to address these challenges at the firm level –Establish Center for Service Innovation (CSI) as a CRI at the Nowegian School of Economics and Business Administration 1 vs
2. Center for Service Innovation (CSI) •Objectives: –Increase the quality, efficiency and commercial success of innovation activities at leading Norwegian service providers –Enhance the innovation capabilities of its business and academic partners •Preparations: –Prestudy with 64 interviews on SI challenges •Themes : –Innovations in customer and brand experiences –Co-creation and open innovation processes –Business model innovations –Structural and regulatory innovations •Approach –Partner NSD projects basis for all research 2 >
Center for Service Innovation (CSI) •Organization: –Virtual center, hosted by NHH –Researchers as theme and WP managers –Foresight WP for theme guidance –Majority of business partners on CSI Board •Partners: –11 Business partners, 3 bridging partners, 4 national and 2 international research partners •Budget: –Total: € 22 Mill over 8 yrs –RCN funding: € 10 Mill –Business funding: € 5 Mill 3 Telenor, DnB NOR, Posten Storebrand, Tryg SMEs NHH, SNF, SINTEF, AHO, KAU, CBS inFuture, BEKK, PwC, EDB Ergo, SME’s Abelia. HSH Argentum Norsk Designråd Induct SME and SMEs SME-networks Center for Service Innovation Service provider partners Research partners Bridging partners SME- associates Specialized competence partners KIBS partners