BEST 2014 BEST special topic 2013 Ticket media Kjetil Vrenne, BEST Project Manager 2014
BEST 2014 Previous special topics •2008: Use of PT information channels •2009: How to finance PT service improvements •2010: Transfers •2011: Walking distance vs. frequency •2012: Comfort vs. travel time •2013: Ticket media & use of PT information channels BEST Special topic 2013Page 2
BEST 2014 Ticket media 1.How common is different ticket media & how does the use differ between cities? 2.How is it affected by travel frequency & overall satisfaction with public transport? 3.Are there differences between customer groups? PT travel frequency, age, satisfaction with PT? 4.Differences between BEST cities? Page 3BEST Special topic 2013
BEST 2014 •Target group is citizens aged 16 years or older •Data collection method is web panel •Data collection period – May to December 2013 Data collection BEST Special topic Preliminary report Page 4 Number of interviews in 2013 Stockholm619 Oslo639 Helsinki1 252 Copenhagen614
BEST 2014 Questions asked regarding ticket media Page 5BEST Special topic 2013 AlwaysOftenSometimesSeldomNeverDon’t know a)On an electronic travel card (smart card) □□□□□□ a)On your mobile phone (bougth with please specify : ___ apps/ SMS/etc) □□□□□□ a)On traditional paper or cardboard □□□□□□ When travelling by public transport, how often is your ticket …….?
BEST 2014 Travel card / Smart card BEST Special topic 2013Page 6 When travelling by public transport, how often is your ticket …….?
BEST 2014 Mobile phone (app/SMS) BEST Special topic 2013Page 7 When travelling by public transport, how often is your ticket …….?
BEST 2014 Paper tickets BEST Special topic 2013Page 8 When travelling by public transport, how often is your ticket …….?
BEST 2014 Estimated share of citizens using the ticket media when going by PT BEST Special topic 2013Page 9
BEST 2014 Estimated share of trips per ticket media BEST Special topic 2013Page 10
BEST 2014 Estimated share of citizens using ticket media, based on PT travel frequency BEST Special topic 2013Page 11
BEST 2014 Estimated share of citizens using travel card, based on PT travel frequency BEST Special topic 2013Page 12
BEST 2014 Estimated share of citizens using Mobile (app/SMS), based on PT travel frequency BEST Special topic 2013Page 13
BEST 2014 Estimated share of citizens in each age bracket using ticket media BEST Special topic 2013Page 14
BEST 2014 Estimated share of citizens in each age bracket using Mobile (app/SMS) BEST Special topic 2013Page 15
BEST 2014 Mobile (app/SMS) used more frequently by dissatisfied customers (NB! But they are a very small group) BEST Special topic 2013Page 16
BEST 2014 Ticket media: Summary BEST Special topic 2013Page 17 1.The use of ticket media is quite similar, but: –Paper tickets are more widely used in Copenhagen –Mobile tickets a bit more common in Oslo and Copenhagen –Stockholm & Helsinki has a the highest share of travel card users 2.Frequent travellers more often use travel cards 3.Mobile (app/SMS) are used by both high & low frequent users – and more by younger people 4.There is a tendency that less satisfied customers uses mobile (app/SMS) more than satisfied customers