Gehen wir ins Eiscafé! K6 – Lektion B
das Eiscafé (the ice cream parlor)
das Vanilleeis (the vanilla ice cream)
das Erdbeereis (the strawberry ice cream)
das Nusseis (the nut-flavored ice cream)
das Zitroneneis (the lemon ice cream)
das Schokoeis mit Schlagsahne (the chocolate ice cream with whipped cream!)
das Spaghetti Eis der Schokoshake
Elefant Ear Eis Blumen Eis Pizza Eis Asparaghus Eis Maus Eis Peacock Eis Eggs Eis Spaghetti Eis Lasagna Eis
Die Speisekarte Im Eiscafe
(a cup of hot chocolate) ein Glas Milch (a glass of milk) der Apfelsaft (the apple juice) die Cola ein Glas Eistee (a glass of iced tea) eine Tasse Kaffee (a cup of coffee) eine Tasse Kakao (a cup of hot chocolate)
das Café / die Konditorei (the café / the pastry shop)
(the torte / fancy cake) der Kuchen (the cake) die Torte (the torte / fancy cake) die Schokolade (the chocolate)
die Pizzeria (the pizza restaurant)