Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels Smart Energy Networks- pulling together national and regional programmes Some conclusions from the Vienna Event Lessons learned from the participation in other ERA-Nets Michael Hübner March 22nd 2007
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels Presentation Programme Country Speaker Participating Programs
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels Countries and involved Ministries Finnland: Ministry of Trade & Industry Switzerland: Ministry of Energy France: Ministry of Industry; Ministry of Research and Technology; Environmental Ministry Netherlands: Ministry of Economic Affairs; Ministry of Education Norway: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy; Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development Spain: Ministry for Education and Science Austria: Ministriy for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Ministry for Economy and Labour
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels Types of Programs TechnologyRenewables Research DG/Grids RENERGI ForskELForskEL ForskNGForskEL Densy Networks NoE DERPREGO CNRS ADEME RDT Energiesystems of Tomorrow
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels First Impressions Grids most times somehow a crosscutting issue; most not specialised on grid issue Depth of participation of Grid Companies, Suppliers, Technology Providers etc. different in the programmes Different programme strategies Similarities, Common goals possible Critical Mass for an ERA-Net
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels ERA-Net Lessons learned
ERA-NETERA-NET Preliminary overview of joint calls under FP6 ERA-NET projects Giorgio Carlotti, DG RES EC- WS on Joint Calls, June 14th 2006
ERA-NETERA-NET Level of Ambition Selected CA projects, to 10/ Information exchange & best practices Common strategic issues Joint activities Joint/common calls (fixed for 2005/2006 to 10/05)
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels To keep in Mind: ERA-Net is on Programming. (Goals, Strategies, linked to national policies) pulling together research strategies, coordinating national programmes….. to support the european Vision not a scientific issue not an issue of member states positions not an issue of finding the european solution
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels How to reach Integration Policy making: Thematic focus Policy design: Procedural and functional focus Management: Focus on Implementation -> HOW? Design phase -> WHEN? operational phase -> WHAT? Assessment phase WHY? added-value likely InterestTrustCommitment WHY? potential for added-value Trial and Error Stop or Go decision
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels Lessons learned The basis is the concrete interest of the programmes (strategies, focus at the moment, upcoming projects) Early start of common actions (inkl. Common calls) Learning by doing (the devil is in the detail) In the first step: no need for harmonisation of national rules (principle: each country finances its institutions) But clear agreements on common elements (eg. Common Call: joint guidelines, common evaluation procedures and experts, joint approval, ….)
ERA-NETERA-NET uAnalysis based on preliminary data and very different type of calls u15 calls have been launched to date, ~20 under preparation or planned in workprogrammes ~50% of ERA-NETs u Very different type of calls : – Regular call for yearly awards – Major Calls for transnational research projects, both for fundamental and industrial research in various areas (Biotechnology stands out) – Smaller pilot calls testing joint call mechanisms uAlmost 200 Million Euro foreseen, 80% in 3 projects u150 Organisations involved (15% of total), Most countries involved in FP6 are participating Building experience ERA-NETs start making an impact (Overview to June 2006)
ERA-NETERA-NET uManagement integration : The devil is in the detail – Allows to gather in depth knowledge of different national systems – Design issues : Objective, Target group, Type of project, Type of partnership, Focus on theme or not, Evaluation criteria, Funding mechanism – Implementation issues : Timing, Information, Evaluation (2-Steps), Contracting, Monitoring, Overall management (Decision making) uFinancial integration : Various mechanisms are tested – Most used is the VIRTUAL common pot – Some have used a REAL common pot – Mixed models have been developed u Scientific integration : How to select topics – Most joint calls are bottom-up, with a 2 step mechanism – Some calls have carefully identified priorities – Synergies and complementarities with EU RTD programme (FP7) ? Main issues affecting joint calls
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels Links and Overlaps TP Smart Grids MG ERA-Net Smart Grids FP 7 IEA- ENARD Industrie European Vision Member States Nat./reg. Programms Projects R&D Protagonists Experts (nominated by governments)
Abteilung für Energie und Umwelttechnologien Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Michael Hübner Smart Grids- Mirror Group Meeting March 22nd 2007, Brussels Next Steps Overview about involved Programmes and Ministries, personal and institutional links to MG, IEA-ENARD Invitation for an ERA-Net preparation Meeting open for all interested nat. programme carriers (Funding Agencies, Ministries, Prog. Managers); first discussion of a draft proposal