The Self-Organizing Mobile Student Portal IKTA Forum Presentation of IKTA5/2002 Projects University of Debrecen, Institute of Mathematics And Informatics
Mobile, self-organizing, STUDENT Mobile, because its main services can be accessed from mobile devices... Self-organizing, because it is based on a professional hierarchy Student, because students are involved both as developers and as target audience…
The general goals of the project Open source free software To serve as an educational metaportal To develope information technology content in Hungarian Building a community on the Internet
The special goals of the project To build a local unit that will serve as the professional portal of our institute Professional communication between students and teachers To serve as a bridge to the World
What does the portal offer? For students: electronic course materials, self-activity, entertainment For teachers: electronic contact with students,... For the internet and mobile community: current content, services utilizing the up-to-date technology
Innovative elements Resource rating Electronic Tests: eTests MobiVOTE: Mobile Quick VOTE MIDlets embedded to WML pages KódBaZár = Source Code Bazaar, online journal (published periodically) Mobile network games
Content development Professional content in Hungarian: electronic text books, lecture notes, exercises and problems,... Entertaining content: mobile games (WEB, WAP, OTA)
Software developers Bátfai Norbert: J2SE, CORBA, J2ME Jeszenszky Péter: J2SE, Database, XML Antal Péter: J2SE, WAP, Servlet
Planned software architecture iiop WWW Server side Client side Database Servlet CORBA http Portal engine JDBC, JDO, XML HTML Applet WML MIDlet [MidScapeML] PRC
Our Featured Links: /index.wml MIDisszea Games és Browsers category JFC Enterprise Client side mobiDIÁK page HTMLWMLWML+Java
Implementation Related Links: J2SE,J2ME, Java Servlet Tomcat, XML Castor PostgreSQL CORBA WAP iiop WWW Server side Client side Database Servlet CORBA http Portal engine JDBC, JDO, XML HTML Applet WML MIDlet [MidScapeML] PRC Jakarta Tomcat Java IDL Castor JDO, Apache XML Postgres
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