Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway
NTNU Campus Photos Top left: Gløshaugen campus, in the west (left) Øya campus with the Faculty of Medicine and St. Olavs Hospital. Top right: the Marine Technology Centre at Tyholt. Photo: NTNU Info/Bård F. Gimnes (August 2000) Centre right: Lerkendal Bottom left: Dragvoll campus Bottom right: Gløshaugen campus with the main administration building from the west. Photo: (All photographs except top right) NTNU Info/Fjellanger Widerøe Foto as. (July 2004) NTNU, August 2005
Organizational chart of NTNU FACTS Organizational chart of NTNU BOARD RECTOR INFORMATION DIV. TECHNICAL DIV. FINANCIAL DIV. STUDENT & ACAD. DIV. UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR ORGANIZATIONAL DIV. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MUSEUM OF NAT.HIST. & ARCHEOL. FAKULTETENE ARCHITECTURE & FINE ART ARTS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, MATHEMATICS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MEDICINE NATURAL SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT The faculties, departments and some associated programmes: Architecture and Fine Art: Fine Art – The Trondheim Academy of Fine Art; Architectural Design, Form and Colour Studies; Architectural Design and Management; Architectural Design, History and Technology; Urban Design and Planning. Arts: Archaeology and Religious Studies; Art and Media Studies; History and Classical Studies; Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies; Language and Communication Studies; Modern Foreign Languages; Music, Philosophy; Scandinavian Studies and Comparative Literature. Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering: Computer and Information Science; Electrical Power Engineering; Electronics and Telecommunications; Engineering Cybernetics; Mathematical Sciences; Telematics. Engineering Science and Technology: Civil and Transport Engineering; Energy and Process Engineering; Engineering Design and Materials; Geology and Mineral Resources Engineering; Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering; Marine Technology; Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics; Product Design; Production and Quality Engineering; Structural Engineering. Medicine: Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine; Circulation and Medical Imaging; Neuroscience; Laboratory Medicine, Children's and Women's Health; Public Health and General Practice. Natural Sciences and Technology: Biology; Biotechnology; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Materials Technology; Physics. Social Sciences and Technology Management: Economics; Education; Geography; Industrial Economics and Technology Management; Programme for Teacher Education; Psychology; Social Anthropology; Social Work and Health Science; Sociology and Political Science; Human Movement Science Programme, Lifelong Learning Centre. Norwegian Centre for Child Research (NOSEB). Sections at the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology: Archaeology and Cultural History; Archaeometry; External Services; Natural History. NTNU, August 2005
NTNU key figures 53 departments in 7 faculties FACTS NTNU key figures 53 departments in 7 faculties 20 000 registered students, 6500 admitted 60000student applications 3300 B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees awarded 270 Ph.D. degrees awarded Staff: 4 200 person-years 2 500 employed in education and research; Budget: EUR 525 million 560 000 m2 owned and rented premises The number of applicants is taken from NTNU Table 1 (p. 13) in the annual report (2007-2008) to the Ministry of Education and Research. (See also the table “Studentrapporter/Søknadstall” for NTNU at Database for Higher Education (DBH), Note that the number of applications is much higher than the number of applicants, because a single applicant may apply to several study programmes at the same time. (See also Database for Higher Education (DBH), at The total number of applications is the sum of the applications filed with the Universities and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS), which number approximately 40,000, and the applications that for various reasons (see below) come directly to NTNU. The number of primary applicants (applicants that have NTNU listed as their first choice) is taken from NUCAS (, and from the NTNU annual press release in April/May. (For 2007 see 27th April 2007.) The term “primary applicants” only applies to those applicants coordinated through UCAS. The number does not include those applying directly to NTNU for a higher degree, for the cand.psychol. degree in psychology, applicants for the spring semester and applicants to The Trondheim Academy of Fine Art and performance studies in music (as a result of required entrance exams for admission). Approximately 6,500 are accepted (see above mentioned Table 1). The difference of approximately 3,000 between those accepted and the number of graduates is explained thusly: Those who graduate have completed a course of study here, for example in technology (MSc). Among those accepted, many will not complete a course of study for a lower/higher degree at NTNU. Some do not show up despite accepting a place at the university, some leave after a few weeks/months, some are accepted into studies of a shorter duration on the basis of main studies at another university, and some only follow individual courses as part of their continuing education. The admissions process may be divided into five stages: 1) Submitted applications; 2) Qualified applicants; 3) Study offers; 4) Acceptance of the study offer; 5) Arriving at the university and paying the semester fee. (Numbers for categories 1) and 5) are found in DBH.) The number of registered students is taken from Table 1 in in the annual report (2007-2008) to the Ministry of Education and Research. The number of degrees awarded is taken from said Table 1 (p. 13) in the annual report (2007-2008) to the Ministry of Education and Research, and the number of PhDs awarded from NTNU Table 5 in the same document (p. 33). The number of employees is taken from for 2007 (Institusjon-stillingsgruppe-stillingskategori-stillingskode = Undervisnings-, forsknings- og formidlingsstilling). The number of professors, adjunct professors (“prof. II”) not included, is from the same table, code 1013. The budget number is taken from The first table in the appendix to the annual report (2007-2008) to the Ministry of Education and Research. The space estimate is taken from “Areal” in
Cooperation with SINTEF R & D Cooperation with SINTEF SINTEF is one of Europe’s largest independent research organizations Turnover NOK 2 billion, 2000 staff (500 in Oslo) Established in 1950 as the contract research organization of the Norwegian Inst. of Technology Contract research in technology, natural sciences, medicine and social sciences Cooperates with NTNU in terms of staff, equipment, laboratories and dissemination 15 Gemini Centres for joint NTNU/SINTEF R&D Many NTNU staff are permanent SINTEF advisers Many SINTEF staff are adjunct professors at NTNU The Gemini Centres: NTNU and SINTEF established jointly the first five Gemini Centres in 2003. The vision for the centres is that they should excel internationally. These academic communities are expected to establish common strategic processes and coordinated planning of applications for larger R&D projects and programmes. The groups will thus be better suited to creating innovation and contributing to business development. The following 15 Gemini Centres have been established (January 2006, see chapter 5.3, NTNU Table 5.1. in “NTNU Budget Document 2005-2007”, and - Acoustic Research Center - Applied Refrigeration Technology - Sustainable Architecture and Property Maintenance - Catalysis and Adsorbents (CATMAT) - Electrical Energy and Energy Systems - Energy Use and the Indoor Environment - Health Services Research Centre - Marine Structures - Materials and Energy - MiNaLab (Center for Micro- and Nanotechnology) - Petroleum Centre - PV-solar Cell Materials - Road and Transport Engineering - Robust Materials Technology and Design – Offshore Applications - Underground Technology There are currently no records about the number of academic staff with contracts with both NTNU and SINTEF. NTNU, May 2006
Petroleum Education and Research at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway
Gløshaugen and Lerkendal Stadion in the middle, Petroleum Center (SINTEF & NTNU) at lower right OK
Brief statistics of petroleum education at Norwegian University of Science and Technology established in 1973 first class graduated in 1974 More than 2000 graduated sivilingeniørs and M.Sc.’s during 1974-2009 119 graduated Ph.D.´s during 1977-2009 around 80 M.Sc.’s graduate per year around 10 Ph.D.´s graduate per year currently around 90 full-time teachers, staff, researchers around 350 students enrolled at B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels
Upstream part of the petroleum activities
Upstream Petroleum Curricula at NTNU Department of Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics Department of Geology and Mineral Resourses Engineering
Petroleum Geology Petroleum Geophysics. Drilling Engineering Petroleum Geology Petroleum Geophysics Drilling Engineering Reservoir Engineering Production Engineering
70 PhD students within exploration and production of oil and gas Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics NTNU Deptartment Chair: Jon Kleppe Deputy Chair: Martin Landrø Office Manager: Marit Raaness Professors Support staff Drilling Production Reservoir Geophysics Anne Lise Brekken Turid Halvorsen Solveig Johnsen Marit Raaness Tone Sanne Turid Uvsløkk Madelein Wold Knut Backe Gunnar Bjerkan Terje Bjerkan Haakon Myhren Roger Overaa Lars Sandvik Åge Sivertsen Erlend Våtevik E. Fjær2 R. Holt A. Rødland S. Sangesland P. Skalle N. Thompson3 NN2 H. Asheim M. Golan J. S. Gudmundsson H. Herfjord1 S. Dale2 T. van Golf-Racht1 Nanij Hadia3 O. S. Hustad2 L. Høier2 T. Aa. Jelmert Hassan Karimaie3 J. Kleppe H. Langeland Jan Åge Stensen2 O. Torsæter C. H. Whitson NN NN2 P. Avseth2 L. Amundsen2 B. Arntsen J. Ebbing2 C. Kenter2 M. Landrø O. B. Lile1 C. Puigdefabregas2 J. S. Rønning2 Stovas E. Tantserev3 E. Tjåland B. Ursin NN emeritus Adjunct (20%) Postdoktor 70 PhD students within exploration and production of oil and gas
International M.Sc. and Ph.D. Programs English Language Instruction 40% non-Norwegian Students in M.Sc. Program 50% non-Norwegians in Ph.D. Program
Many Ph.D. candidates Currently, around 70 Ph.D. candidates are enrolled in the areas of petroleum exploration and production
Key academic research programs in the upstream field ROSE – The Rock-Seismic Program 4D Seismic – Reservoir Simulation Program Improved Oil Recovery Program Subsea Program New Drilling Methods Program Smart Fields/Integrated Operations Program Heavy Oil Recovery Program
International Research Partners USA Carnegie-Mellon University Colorado School of Mines Stanford University Texas A&M University University of Oklahoma University of Texas, Austin Purdue University Netherlands TU Delft Venezuela Simon Bolivar Universidad Brazil PUC Unicamp Salvador
International Research Partners Russia Tomsk Polytechnic University Pomor University Novosibirsk India National Geophysical Research Institute ONGC Japan Kyoto University Italy Milano Politechnical University Germany Free University of Berlin Australia Curtin University
Educational Projects Abroad Russia Continued education in Petroleum Engineering 1996-2004 Master of Petroleum Management, 2005- Supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Angola Development of petroleum curricula at Universidade Agosthino Neto in Luanda. Supported by Sonangol, MinPet, StatoilHydro og NORAD Venezuela Curricula development at Simon Bolivar Universidad, supported by StatoilHydro
Educational Projects Abroad Azerbadjan Modernization of petroleum education at Azerbadjan State Oil Academy, supported by NORAD Bangladesh Development of petroleum curricula at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, supported by NORAD Mozambique Development of petroleum curricula at Universidade Eduardo Mundlane, supported by NORAD
Research collaboration with industry Aker Solutions, BG Norge, Bridge Energy, BP, CGG, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Det norske, DnV, Enterprise Oil (Shell), ExxonMobil, ENI, FMC, Fugro-Jason, GdF Suez, IBM, Kongsberg, Lundin, Petrobras, PGS Geophysical, Revus Energy, RockSource, Schlumberger, Shell, StatoilHydro,TOTAL, Wavefield Inseis
Gullfaks Database at the Department
NORNE Database at the Department
Industry Supported Field Courses Geological Field Courses Through a close cooperation with Statoil, Norsk Hydro, BP, and Shell, several field courses for M.Sc. students have been developed over the past few years. The courses take place at Svalbard, in England, in the Pyrenees and in Oman. Pyrex Svalex Petrox Omanex
Center for Research-Based Innovation Integrated Operations NTNU/SINTEF/IFE
Oil and gas production at present
Oil and gas production of the future
Control Room for Integrated Operations at the department
RESEARCH CHALLENGES FOR INTEGRATED OPERATIONS Visualization Smarter decisions Geographically dispersed teams Data processing Wearable computing Sensor technology and automation
Annual International Conference