Obamunication Subject: Public Relations Referent: Matthias Wehrle Date: December, 1th
Index Obama's communication strategy The brand Barack Obama Obama's public performance Comparison Obama vs. McCain What is the reason for Obama's success? 25/03/2017
Obama´s communication strategy Easy und positive statements Stay in contact with the target audiences Use digital platforms to communicate and to advertise Create a label “Barack Obama” Use the “chance for change” Be omnipresent in the media Performance like a blogger 25/03/2017
The brand Barack Obama The logo The Slogan Merchandising campaign Components of the US-Flag Stylised O for Obama Sunrise It means “change is coming” The Slogan Positive Easy to understand Merchandising campaign 25/03/2017
The brand Barack Obama Logos of other US Presidential candidates 25/03/2017
The brand Barack Obama Merchandising 25/03/2017
The brand Barack Obama Segmentation 25/03/2017
Obama's public performance 25/03/2017
Obama's public performance Obama everywhere 25/03/2017
Obama's public performance MyBarackObama.com On MyBarackObama.com Obama's own social network, 2 million profiles were created In addition 400.000 offline events were planed About 400.000 blog spots were written More the 35.000 volunteer groups were created, at lest 1.000 of them on Feb. 10th 2007 the day Obama amounted his candidacy www.Mybarackobama.com 25/03/2017
Obama's public performance Obama YouTube channel 1827 videos 120 million views 149.258 subscribers http://www.youtube.com/user/BarackObamadotcom 25/03/2017
Obama's public performance Facebook Chris Huges (co-founder of Facebook) is now responsible for Osama's online marketing 5.066.446 members 572.383 wall posts www.facebook.com/barackobama#/barackobama?v=wall 25/03/2017
Obama's public performance Twitter With 109.892 followers Obama was the #1 “Twitterholic” during his candidacy Important tool to stay in contact with his target groups http://twitter.com/BARACKOBAMA 25/03/2017
Obama's public performance Other features iPhone apps Text massaging service (Obama Mobile) E-Mail service Obama online store (store.barackobama.com) Citizen generated campaigns (YouBama.com, Moveon.org) 25/03/2017
Comparison: Obama vs. McCain 25/03/2017
Comparison: Obama vs. McCain 25/03/2017
Comparison: Obama vs. McCain YouTube 25/03/2017
Comparison: Obama vs. McCain Facebook 25/03/2017
What is the reason for Obama's success? Or in other words 25/03/2017
What is the reason for Obama's success? 25/03/2017
What is the reason for Obama's success? He has a clear goal, organizes and plans ahead He is ALWAYS positive and optimistic He is proud of where he comes from Embracing new technologies He goes to where the people are Keep it simple (“yes we can”) 25/03/2017
References I http://blog.susuh.de/social-media-sehenswerte-praesentationen-1- case-study-the-barack-obama-strategy http://blog.susuh.de/social-media-sehenswerte-praesentationen-2- how-obama-won-using-digital-and-social-media/comment-page-1 http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/124/the-brand-called- obama.html http://www.harvardbusinessmanager.de/strategien/artikel/a- 601026-2.html http://www.brandchannel.com/images/papers/443_Presidential_Bra nds_final_web.pdf http://www.barackobama.com/ www.4president.org/ocmi2000.htm http://www.youtube.com/user/BarackObamadotcom 25/03/2017
References II http://youbama.com/home/ http://store.barackobama.com/ www.flickr.com/photos/barackobamadotcom?PHPSESSID=2ba http://www.myspace.com/barackobama www.mybarackobama.com http://twitter.com/BARACKOBAMA http://anishvshah.com/2008/10/15/senator-barack-obamas-online- campaign-for-obama-08/ www.facebook.com/barackobama#/barackobama?v=wall http://twitterholic.com/ 25/03/2017
Thank you for your Attention! 25/03/2017
Appendix Hope Poster by Shepard Fairy 25/03/2017
Appendix 25/03/2017
Appendix 25/03/2017
Appendix 25/03/2017
Appendix 25/03/2017
Appendix 25/03/2017
Appendix 25/03/2017