EDA IAP03 Optical Sensor Systems & Signal Processing Marijke Vandewal Royal Military Academy 16 Feb 2011
EDA CapTech Structure CNC: CapTech National Coordinator (1) CGE: CapTech Gouvernmental Expert Information Acquisition & Processing (IAP) Guidance, Energy & Materials (GEM) Environment, Systems & Modelling (ESM) IAP1 Components Patrick Merken (CISS) GEM1 Materials & Structures Luc Rabet (COBO) ESM1 Naval Systems & their Environment Jean-Paul Marcel (Y. Dupont Sep 09?) IAP2 F Sensor Systems & Signal Processing Thierry Gerard GEM2 Energetics, Missiles & Munitions Michel Lefebvre (CHIM) ESM2 Aerial Systems & their Environment (Fernand Rouvroi) IAP3 Optical Sensor Systems & Signal Processing Marijke Vandewal (CISS) GEM3 Ground Systems & their Environments Erik Van de Schoor ESM3 Systems of Systems, Space, Simulation & Experiment IAP4 CIS & Networks Patrick Verlinde (CISS) GEM4 Guidance & Control (Fernand Rouvroi) ESM4 Human Factors & CBR Protection Johan Vereycken
Overview of the Belgian participation to IAP03 Belgian CNC: Dr Ir Marijke Vandewal (RMA) CGE’s: Prof. Xavier Neyt (RMA) LtCol Bart Scheers (RMA) Prof. Walter Bosschaerts (RMA) CPF IMM Jean-Paul Marcel (KHID) Michal Shimoni (RMA) Vinciane Lacroix (RMA) Participation to EDA projects To be added 3
BE participation in Projects DUCAS (Cat B project): Planning of the field trial has required intensive work and the next PAMG meeting will take place in Nov Prof Chris Perneel, Michal Shimoni and Dirk Borghys
Next CapTech Meetings The 17th CapTech meeting takes place in Brussels 23-24 February 2011 Main topic: European Framework Cooperation initiative on Situation Awareness The 18th CapTech meeting takes place in Sweden (TBC) 30 June - 01 July 2011
IAP03 Why bother participating a cat B project? International collaborations Possibility of organizing measurement campaigns Why not bother participating a cat B project? Long and slow administrative procedure
General Comments Niches - Low activity rate within IAP03 - Not a lack of ideas, lack of enough supporting countries to go through with the proposal - General impression that economic crisis has decreased the research budgets in optics/optronics domain Niches - Hard to identify - National needs are not always international needs
Questions ?