IF-sentences If he had finished high school, he wouldn’t have ended up like this.
About IF-sentences IF betekent als/indien in het Nederlands Er zijn 3 soorten IF-zinnen: I)Opportunity / mogelijkheid II)Small chance / kleine kans III)In retrospect / achteraf
About IF-sentences IF betekent als/indien in het Nederlands Er zijn 3 soorten IF-zinnen: I)Opportunity / mogelijkheid If you buy her new shoes, she will be very happy. II)Small chance / kleine kans You would pass the test, if you practiced hard enough. III)In retrospect / achteraf If he had paid attention in class, he would have known the answer.
I) Opportunity / mogelijkheid IF-deel PRESENT SIMPLE IF-deel PRESENT SIMPLE ander deel will/can/may + stam ander deel will/can/may + stam
I) Opportunity / mogelijkheid IF-deel PRESENT SIMPLE IF-deel PRESENT SIMPLE ander deel will/can/may + stam ander deel will/can/may + stam If you work hard, If he pays the bills, If they save euros, you will become successful. the landlord won’t get angry. they can buy that new car.
II) Small chance / kleine kans IF-deel PAST SIMPLE IF-deel PAST SIMPLE ander deel would/could/might + stam ander deel would/could/might + stam Beide PAST SIMPLE
II) Small chance / kleine kans IF-deel PAST SIMPLE IF-deel PAST SIMPLE ander deel would/could/might + stam ander deel would/could/might + stam If you read more books, If he showed more initiative, If I robbed a bank, you would be a better person. he could get better grades. I might have enough money to buy an BMW.
III) In retrospect / achteraf IF-deel PAST PERFECT IF-deel PAST PERFECT ander deel would/could/might have + volt dlw ander deel would/could/might have + volt dlw
III) In retrospect / achteraf IF-deel PAST PERFECT IF-deel PAST PERFECT ander deel would/could/might have + volt dlw ander deel would/could/might have + volt dlw If you had said “I love you” more often, If they had pumped gas before they left, she wouldn’t have left you. they would have made it all the way home.
Spot the TYPE of IF-sentence 1.If I had known you were coming, I would have bought some cookies. 2.You can borrow my phone if you like. 3.You would understand more of that French movie if you turned on the subtitles. 4.If he doesn’t buy her roses every week, she will break up with him. 5.If we had locked the house, the burglar wouldn’t have taken our belongings. 6.They might still win the match, if they played better.