เทคโนโลยีของเอนไซม์ และ เซลล์ (ENZYME AND CELL TECHNOLOGY)
Safety in enzyme and cell technology อ. วีระ ปิยธีรวงศ์
Safe handling enzymes Possible health effects (detergent manufacturing) Possible health effects (detergent manufacturing) –Locally irritation –Respiratory allergies –Skin and eye contact (protease)
Control technology Containment of source of any dust or liquid aerosol formation Containment of source of any dust or liquid aerosol formation The avoidance of recurring routine or uncontrolled spillages The avoidance of recurring routine or uncontrolled spillages The avoidance of personal contamination The avoidance of personal contamination The handling of empty containers with appropriate controls The handling of empty containers with appropriate controls
Control technology Product form (liquid, granule, powder) Product form (liquid, granule, powder) Engineering controls (enclosure and local exhaust ventilation) Engineering controls (enclosure and local exhaust ventilation) Work-practice controls (safe work practice, education, good-house keeping practice) Work-practice controls (safe work practice, education, good-house keeping practice)