Eötvös University Budapest in the Network
Seniors: István Csabai (node coordinator): »Photometric redshift estimation, virtual observatories, science database technology, SDSS Zsolt Frei: »Galaxy morphology, galaxy mergers, gravitational waves Students: Norbert Purger, Bence Kocsis, Merse Gáspár, Márton Trencséni, László Dobos, Dávid Koronczay »Working on SDSS related topics Network student: Oliver Vince (Belgrade) The Team
Focus themes Development of datamining and visualization techniques – SDSS ‘color space’ Improving photometric redshift estimation Estimation of physical parameters of galaxies from photometry Bulge/disk separation of large SDSS galaxies Virtual Observatory, Spectrum Services
Collaboration with other nodes JHU: Alex Szalay, Tamas Budavari, Ani Thakar … Virtual observatories, SDSS database, photometric redshift estimation Regular visits for seniors ad students Paris: Stephane Charlot Spectral synthesis models for photo-z, spectral models in VO Oliver Vince visited Paris, and will visit next year New joint topic involving several nodes: „Optical attenuation law of nearby galaxies”
u g r i z 300 million points in 5+ dimensions 300 million points in 5+ dimensions Datamining: The Color Space
Datamining: Spatial Indexing
Datamining: Speed Up Queries
Datamining: Visualization Adaptively fetch data from database
Datamining:Integration with Database TRADITIONAL APPROACH Flat files, Fortran, C code + Complex manipulation of data - Sequential slow access TRADITIONAL APPROACH Flat files, Fortran, C code + Complex manipulation of data - Sequential slow access SQL DATABASES Oracle, MS SQL Server, … + Organize, efficiently access data - Hard to implement complex algorithms - Multidimensional indexing (OLAP) is limited to categorical data SQL DATABASES Oracle, MS SQL Server, … + Organize, efficiently access data - Hard to implement complex algorithms - Multidimensional indexing (OLAP) is limited to categorical data MULTIDIMENSIONAL INDEXING B-tree, R-tree, K-d tree, BSP-tree … + Many for low D, some for high D + Fast, tuned for various problems - Implemented mostly as memory algorithms, maybe suboptimal in databases MULTIDIMENSIONAL INDEXING B-tree, R-tree, K-d tree, BSP-tree … + Many for low D, some for high D + Fast, tuned for various problems - Implemented mostly as memory algorithms, maybe suboptimal in databases VISUALIZATION Tools using OpenGL, DirectX + Fast - Using files, some tools access database, but not interactive VISUALIZATION Tools using OpenGL, DirectX + Fast - Using files, some tools access database, but not interactive INTEGRATE Implement in SQL Server use for astronomical data-mining and for fast interactive visualization INTEGRATE Implement in SQL Server use for astronomical data-mining and for fast interactive visualization Joint Eötvös & JHU publication at the Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research
Photometric redshift estimation Find k nearest neighbors Use polinomial regression Estimate redshift 1M galaxies with known photometry and redshift 100M galaxies with known ugriz photometry, but no redshift ugriz redshift
Joint work between JHU & Eötvös Photometric redshift calculated for 300M SDSS objects Included in SDSS DR5 Catalog and Data Release paper Application: targeting MgII absorbers collaboration between MPA & Eötvös network postdoc Vivienne Wild involved Photometric redshift estimation
Virtual Observatory: Spectrum & Filter Services Developed by Eötvös student Laszlo Dobos & JHU researcher Tamas Budavari Several joint publications Collaboration with IAP researcher Stephane Charlot to include spectral synthesis models
Network events MAGPOP Virtual Observatory Workshop - Budapest, Hungary, April MAGPOP Summer School - Budapest, Hungary, August Hosting the webpage