The survey of genetically modified foods on the Hungarian market, with method development and adaptation * Official Control of the Genetically Modified Foods in Hungary „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION * There were only a few similar surveys performed in the EU.
The INSTITUTE … „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Director: Dr. Imre Rodler
Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Department of Food Additives and Chemical Contaminants Department of Food Chemical Analysis Department of Nutrition Hygiene Department of Food Microbiology Division of Food Additives and Packaging Additives Division of Chemical Contaminants Veterinary Drug Residues Group Cosmetic Group Division of Food Product Registration Division of Metal Analysis and Lipid Division of Protein and Vitamin Division of Public Nutrition and Therapeatic Nutr. Division of Nutrition Biochemistry Division of Nutrition Physiology Laboratory of Genetically Modified Organisms Entomology Laboratory Mycotoxicology Laboratory Division of Microbiological Biochemistry Division of Bacteriology
„Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION participates in the preparation of legistlation, with especial regard to the determination of maximum residue limits for foods; regularly supervises the food microbiological and chemical limits and makes proposal for their amendment; performs the comprehensive microbiological, GMO, chemical, toxicological and parasitological laboratory analysis of foods. performs licencing activity with regard to foods meeting particular nutritional demands, nutriments, new food additives, new food packaging materials and cosmetics, and authorizes the use of cleaning agents and disinfectants in food industry; issues certficates attesting that imported foods to be put on the market conform to the public health requirements; issues expert opinion for the manufacture of so-called new foods and foods treated by irradiation, and for the licencing of veterinary medicinal products and pesticeds; provides technical guidance and consulting to assist the work of the NPH&MOS in the field; performs nutrition-physiological and nutritional health studies and conducts consumer awarness campaigns. Tasks:
„Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION In 1998 the XXVII.Act on gene technology came into force in Hungary, and one year later the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (1/1999. (I.14.)) was published on the execution of the Act, which regulates also the labelling of GM foods. The Hungarian regulation on GMO is conform with that of the European Union. In accordance of the Regulation 1/1999. (I.14.) a laboratory for the official control of GM foods was established in the National Institute of Food Hygiene and Nutrition. GMO screening and quantification is carried out in our GMO laboratory in the case of meat products and foods from plant origin. GMO related performance:
„Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Fodor József National Centre for Public Health - National Institute of Food Hygiene and Nutrition GMO Laboratory Address:1097 Budapest, Gyáli út 3/A Postal address: 1476 Budapest 100, P.O.Box 52 Dedicated to the official GMO control in the case of meat industry products and products of plant origin (Annex 5 of the FVM regulation No 1/1999. (I. 14.))
The GMO Laboratory … „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION
Instuments: GeneAmp ® 5700Primus 96 plus quantification detection „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION
GMO team: Boldizsár Vajda Head of GMO Lab Zsuzsanna Bátki BioengineerSzilvia Baranyi Assistant „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION
Steps of PCR based detection: 1. DNA isolation 2. GMO screening – conventional PCR method, followed by agarose-gelelectrophoresis and restriction digestion of the GMO-positive amplicon 3. GMO quantification – real-time PCR method „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION
„Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Primers: Control primers: Invertase and zein gene specific primer (in the case of MAIZE) Lectin gene specific primer (in the case of SOY) Chloroplast specific primer (for plants) GMO specific primers: 35S promoter NOS terminator Specific primers MON810 specific primer (for YieldGard maize) RR specific primer (for RoundupReady soybean) PG gene specific primer (for FlavrSavr tomato) Hpt gene specific primer (for GM potato)
The PROJECT * … „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION In the framework of Technical Research and Development projects „BIOTECHNOLOGY 2002” *Funded by the Ministry of Education Research and Development
Aim of the project: „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Investigate the presence of genetically modified components in foods on the Hungarian market Determine the quantity of genetically modified components in foods on the Hungarian market
Samples: „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Type of samples Raw materials Flour Bakery Snacks Dry foods Powders Meat products Sauces Drinks Other Foods containing Soy (100 samples) Maize (100 samples) Soy and Maize (50 samples) Tomato (50 samples) Potato (50 samples)
GMO screen and quantification: „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Soy products Maize products Tomato products Potato products
Analysis of the samples: „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Screening for: 35S promoter NOS terminator Quantification: In the case of GMO positive soy or maize Determination of the GM trait: In the case of GMO positive samples
Expected results: „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Information about the the presence and quantity of GMOs on the market Basis of information of consumers Background of the activities of authorities Reliable laboratory background of GMO control Accredited GMO laboratory for the official control of GM foods
- THANK YOU - „Fodor József” National Center for Public Health NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD HYGIENE AND NUTRITION Contact person : Dr. Boldizsár P. Vajda Head of GMO Laboratory