België - Regio Vlaanderen - Provincie Limburg Societaal Centrum Limburg Global e-Society Complex Evolutive Society System © and Partners. A new dimension in information, research, societal governance, and socio-economic solutions for the post-crisis. Limburg Societal Observatory and Steering Platform Limburg North-South Warehouse and GlocoShop Limburg Crowd-Conference and Training Center Limburg North-South Expo Local Convivial Socio-Economy Update: Project Kempische Steenweg Hasselt Limburg Province km² inhabitants 44 Municipalities 180 SubMunicipalities Province Capital: Hasselt 100 km² Pop.:
Groene Boulevard Blauwe Boulevard Kanaalkom Hasselt Ring Hasselt Centrum 300 m Autoroutes Brussels Liège Antwerpen Optioned Site Societaal Centrum Provincie Limburg Total: m² Covered: m² België - Regio Vlaanderen - Province Limburg Societaal Centrum Limburg Limburg Societal Center Location Global e-Society Complex Evolutive Society System Version © and Partners. World Europe Euregio Belgium Flanders Limburg Hasselt Centrum Aachen Kreis D. Limburg B.Limburg Nl. Liège B. OostKantons B. * Crowd-Conferences Hall 150 Seats * Training Rooms * North-South Warehouse * e-Village Models Expo * Research-Editing Board Globplex-Limburg * Coordination Platform Globplex Holding Limburh
105 m 61 m 6. Parking 75 Cars 4. North-South Warehouse and GlocoShop 2. Province Limburg Societal Observatory and Steering Platform 1200 m² 5. North-South Model Houses and Micro-Units Expo 2000 m² 3. Crowd-Conference Rooms 20 > 50 Seats 50° 56 N 5° 20’ East Alt.: 34 m 1. Parking 10 Cars Havenlaan Entrance Kempische Steenweg, 72 Entrance Open space m² Total area: m² Constructed area: m² Societal Center Limburg Province Hasselt Belgium Version
België - Regio Vlaanderen - Province Limburg Societaal Centrum Limburg Limburg Societal Steering Platform Global e-Society Complex Evolutive Society System © and Partners. Measures: * 30 x 40 m = 1200 m² * Height: 4 m * Equipments: * Activities: * Societal Observation > Deliberation > Steering * Local-Global Crowd-Conferences Coordination * Staff Functions: * Remarks: * Revenues: * A new dimension in information, research, co-governance, societal solutions and socio-economic management. Limburg e-Observatory Table Geo-Territorial Desks Sectoral Thematic Desks Operational Desks Mega-Triptych 3-Screen System Projects Desks Entities Desks Citizens Seniors Students Enterprises NonProfits Café Corner Reception Desk Expo Board Model Desk Table 3-Screen 5+ Seats Interact-Connection with Mega-3-Screen + Global System * Societal Key-Indicators Streets Limburg > World * 3D Holistic Analyses * Crowd-Deliberations Timetable 7 / 7 09h00-21h00 Version Hall 1 Geos
België - Regio Vlaanderen - Province Limburg Societaal Centrum Limburg Limburg Societal Steering Platform Global e-Society Complex Evolutive Society System © and Partners. Measures: * 30 x 40 m = 1200 m² * Height: 4 m * Equipments: * Activities: * Societal Observation > Deliberation > Steering * Local-Global Crowd-Conferences Coordination * Staff Functions: * Remarks: * Revenues: * A new dimension in information, research, co-governance, societal solutions and socio-economic management. Mega-Triptych 3-Screen System Projects Desks Café Corner Reception Desk Expo Board Model Desk Table 3-Screen 5+ Seats Interact-Connection with Mega-3-Screen + Global System * Societal Key-Indicators Streets Limburg > World * 3D Holistic Analyses * Crowd-Deliberations Timetable 7 / 7 09h00-21h00 Version Hall 2 Sectors
België - Regio Vlaanderen - Province Limburg Societaal Centrum Limburg Partners Global e-Society Complex Evolutive Society System Version © and Partners. A new dimension in information, research, co-governance, societal solutions and socio-economic management. Diagonal Partnership formulas, for the Societal Center and all projected Globplex-Entities: * Vision and Outline * ICT * Real Estate * Administration * Law * Risk Capital Finance * Accounting * Research * Information * Urban Planning * Architecture * Engineering * Techno-Production * Local-Global Trade * Logistics * Transport * Communication and Marketing * Recruitment * Training * Events … Personal contact and Complete Dossier with Pre-Business Plan on request: Boudewijn De Graeve Skype: globplex