14 juni 2012 Vier nieuwe SOBEK modules in vogelvlucht Edward Melger
14 juni 2012 Inhoud “DeltaShell framework, in a nutshell” voor SOBEK 3 In vogelvlucht, de plugins: D-Flow 1D D-Real Time Control D-Rainfall Runoff D-Water Quality Vragen
“DeltaShell framework, in a nutshell” voor SOBEK 3
14 juni 2012 Eisen en wensen van gebruikers Kaart centraal Undo / Redo Aantal click acties geminimaliseerd Data en model overzichtelijk georganiseerd Open en flexibel: eenvoudig koppelen met andere modellen Uitgebreide data validatie ArcGIS integratie D-Flow 1D, 2D, 3D D-Rainfall Runoff Scenario management Koppeling met externe databases Open Source Model input en output presentatie D-Water Quality D-Real Time Control Scripting Calibration tools
14 juni 2012 DeltaShell graphical user interface Project Explorer
14 juni 2012 DeltaShell graphical user interface Properties
14 juni 2012 DeltaShell graphical user interface Main window: input + output
14 juni 2012 DeltaShell graphical user interface Map contents
14 juni 2012 DeltaShell graphical user interface Messages
14 juni 2012 Key features Project Explorer Organize data and models visually in intuitive way. Docking Use docking feature to define your preferred windows layout in the graphical user interface. Validation report Check all model data for model run. Properties View or edit properties of any selected item. For example specific data in the project, location on the map, elements on the chart. Maps, Gis Features Use Maps to perform various GIS analysis tasks on the models data. Add custom GIS data as layers to the maps. OpenMI Use OpenMI-compliant models in DeltaShell or expose models to OpenMI Time Series Edit time-series in a tabular and XY charts way. Perform various time-series analysis. Easily import / export time-series values Import – Export wizards Quickly import and export data using user defined wizards
D-Flow 1D Open Water
14 juni 2012 D-Flow 1D Open Water Water flows in channels and rivers Complete de Saint Venant Equations Automatic drying and flooding procedure: 100% mass conservative Supercritical flow and moving hydraulic jumps Complex networks of any size Hydraulic structures: pumps, (gated) weirs, culverts, bridges … Easy to use graphical user interface Fully geo referenced: geodatabase, branches, nodes, cross sections, … Model: Noordelijk Deltabekken, The Netherlands Sallandse Wetering Noordelijk Deltabekken model Maas model Rijntakken model Moezel model Rijn model Twente kanaal Vecht Jakarta...
D-Real Time Control
14 juni 2012 D-Real Time Control Simulation of real time control of water systems Linked with D-Flow, D-Rainfall runoff and D-Water Quality plugins Moving elements in D-Flow: Crest level or width of weirs Discharge of pumps Gate opening at gated weirs Valve opening at culverts Graph presentation of complex RTC Open source ( Noordelijk Deltabekken model Maas model Rijntakken model Moezel model Rijn model Twente kanaal Vecht...
14 juni 2012 Voorbeeld case: Noordelijk Deltabekken
D-Rainfall Runoff
14 juni 2012 D-Rainfall Runoff Library of rainfall runoff concepts: Polder concept Rational Method HBV Sacramento … Linked with D-Flow Model input – output viewer Fully geo referenced Tholen model...
14 juni 2012 Voorbeeld case: Tholen (1)
14 juni 2012 Voorbeeld case: Tholen (2)
D-Water Quality
14 juni 2012 D-Water Quality Library of 900 processes and substances (eutrophication, adsorption, desorption, nutrients, bacteria, oxygen, phyloplankton, heavy metals and micro-pollutants) Standard + user defined templates Fraction computations Linked with D-Flow Open process library approach (combinatie van DUPROL en OPL) Open source 15 DUFLOW modellen...
14 juni 2012 Test cases: 15 DUFLOW demo modellen Demo 8: Eutrofiëring Biomassa algen (a1) [mg/l] in water D-Water Quality Duflow
SOBEK 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 / 3.3,... What’s next?
14 juni 2012 SOBEK 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 / 3.3, … DUFLOW Hydrodynamica 1D Waterkwaliteit 1D Neerslagafvoer SOBEK-RUR Hydrodynamica 1D Waterkwaliteit 1D Neerslagafvoer Overland Flow Sturing SOBEK 3.0 D-Flow 1D D-Real Time Control SOBEK-RE Hydrodynamica 1D Morfologie Sturing D-Morphology 1D SOBEK 3.2 / 3.3 D-Flow 1D D-Water Quality 1D D-Rainfall Runoff D-Real Time Control D-Overland Flow SOBEK 3.1 D-Flow 1D D-Rainfall Runoff D-Real Time Control D-Water Quality 1D
14 juni 2012 What’s next? Key features Project Explorer Organize data and models visually in intuitive way. Docking Use docking feature to define your preferred windows layout in the graphical user interface. Validation report Check all model data for model run. Properties View or edit properties of any selected item. For example specific data in the project, location on the map, elements on the chart. Maps, Gis Features Use Maps to perform various GIS analysis tasks on the models data. Add custom GIS data as layers to the maps. OpenMI Use OpenMI-compliant models in DeltaShell or expose models to OpenMI Time Series Edit time-series in a tabular and XY charts way. Perform various time-series analysis. Easily import / export time-series values Import – Export wizards Quickly import and export data using user defined wizards Calibration Use OpenDA for model calibration Delft-FEWS Quickly model integration in Delft-FEWS Interactive Modelling Immediate insight into the effects of measures 1D2D3DViewer Quick insight into input and output Model input output viewer Quick insight into data on map