Advantages of web conference between two sites: 1.Affordable (de Gara & Boora, 2006). – Need computer, video/audio capture devices, broadband connections 2.Enables synchronous communication. – Instructors can provide immediate feedback to learners (Hotcomm, 2003). 3.Facilitates real-time multimedia demonstrations. – Applications can be shared with all participants. 4.Multi-level interaction – Lectures, interaction, group collaboration (Marjanovic, 1999), participants can be in charge of sessions. 5.Participants can archive seminar content for review or if missing the real-time session.
There are three formats for webinar-session delivery: a)presenter vs. multiple participants from one site b)presenter vs. multiple participants from multiple sites; and c)multiple participants from one site vs. multiple participants from one or multiple sites
Aktiviteter: brainstorming veiledning gruppeaktiviteter og samarbeid Virtual learning stations Scavenger hunts Group work Round robin tournaments Think, pair and share
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