1CSNW1 – week 3 Datacommunicatie
Datacommunicatie? Communications men string telephone wire on an Enewetok tree. National Park Service (USA) Datacommunicatie ?
PU-1 MEMORY I/O Adresbus databus besturingsbus PU-2 Tightly coupled Multi processor Datacommunicatie (1)
Systeem 1Systeem 2 loosely coupled, via (extern) netwerk datacommunicatie kanaal Datacommunicatie (2)
AB AB AB Simplex Half-duplex Full-duplex Communicatiekanaal
Parallel versus serieel n Bits per second (bps) vs. Bytes per second (Bps) n Baud rate: symbols/sec n bps = baud. 2 log n (n: number of signal levels)
The number of signaling elements that occur each second. The term is named after J.M.E. Baudot, the inventor of the Baudot telegraph code. element bijvoorbeeld 4 niveaus twee bits bit rate = 2 x baud rate Baud rate
MultiplexerDemultiplexer Multiplexing
TDM versus FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing Time Division Multiplexing
Shift register Data buffer Serial data Parallel data Shift (transmit) clock Tc Bipolar encoding Manchester encoding Clock extracting receiver PLL Serieel (bit-synchroon)
BI-SYNC protocol
Serieel (frame synchroon) (tijdelijk synchroon) idle
Shift register Data buffer Serial data Parallel data Start bit data bit Par bit Stop bit trigger samples Serieel (asynchroon)
data ready data Een strobe is een opgaande of neergaande flank Parallel (strobe)
REQ ACK data Parallel (handshake)
ready Ack data ready Ack data valid Parallel (handshake) data staat klaar
Centronics Interface
n V.21: 300 bps duplex n V.22: 1200 bps duplex n V.22bis: 2400 bps duplex n V.24: interchange DTE – DCE (RS232) n V.32: 9600 bps duplex n V32bis: bps duplex n V.34: bps duplex n V.90: bps duplex n X.25: The most popular packet-switching protocol for WANs n X.400: The universal protocol for . C omité C onsultatif I nternational T élégraphique et T éléphonique (CCITT) Nu: I nternational T elecommunication U nion (ITU) V (oiceband) en X - normen
V.24 - RS-232 (25-polig) Recommended Standard => EIA-232-D Electronic Industries Alliance
9-polige RS-232 connector RI = Ring Indicator
DTE Data Terminal Equipment Null Modem
Single-ended RS-232 signaal
Spraak 4 kHz bandbreedte ( Hz) Openbare ‘analoge’ netwerken
Modulatie: AM, FM, PM
DTE DCE Data Terminal Equipment Data Communication Equipment V24 of RS 232 V21 … V34 Modem (modulator/demodulator)
(Asymmetric) Digital Subscriber Link Computer Modem Splitter
DSL Digital Subscriber Link 5460 m
ADSL Spectrum Fritz!box Image: Wikipedia
CMTS Cable Modem Termination System
Opdrachten n Bestudeer hfdst t/m 10.6 n Maak opgaven 10.1 t/m 10.4 en 10.6