”Norwegian life course risk study” Øyvind Næss, MD MSc PhD (1,2) Postdoctoral research fellow (1)Institute of General Practice and Community Health (1)National Public Health Institute, Oslo
Objectives: To take advantage of Norwegian health registers to construct life course data Inter- and intra generational studies Life-course research and sample size, using other sources than deaths (outcomes)
Percentage of mother’s PIN
Substudies: Inter- generational studies Parental mortality, birth-weight and subsequent morbidity (coronary heart disease, non-insulin dependent diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
COhort of NORway CONOR HUNT NTNU HUSK UiB HUBRO UiO TroFinn Tromsø V UiTØ OppHed MoRo Nordlys UiTø Additional studies Regional health studies Norwegian institute of public health
Conor (Cohort of Norway) Aim: individuals from regional health studies Core questionnaire –life style, diet, social factors, selected diseases Clinical examination Biological samples –Frozen full blood and serum has been collected from more than160,000 individuals Organisation and management –Collaboration between the four Norwegian universities and the Norwegian institute of public health –Steering committee appointed by the Ministry of health
Conor (Cohort of Norway) Tromsø IV (1994/95) and Tromsø V (2001)- 27,169 individuals HUNT 2 (1995/97) – 65,331 individuals HUSK ( ) – 25,630 individuals HUBRO (2000/01) – 22,070 individuals Oslo II (2000) – 7,309 individuals OPPHED (2000/01) – 12,441 individuals TROFINN (2002) – 9,299 individuals
Number of individuals in Conor by year of birth and sex MenWomen ,3633, ,23611, ,5507, ,40914, ,82227, ,13914, ,4656,911 Engeland A, Søgaard AJ, Norsk Epidemiologi, 2003
Death registry Age at death, date of death, cause of death, death under 2yrs, occupational, autupsy, cause by autopsy Tax registry Net household income 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2001 Educational registry Own length of education and parental education
Censuses and data from Statistics Norway 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2001 Geographic information, personidentification, spouse/cohabitant identification, couple identification, family identification, household identification, housing identification
Cancer registry Solid and non solid tumours, primary tumour location, morphological subgroup, disease category, physical sign at first health care contact, disease at time of diagnosis, primary treatment,
Medical birth registry Birth weight, questions on pregnancy and mother’s health, mother’s smoking history, information on delivery, questions on health of baby
Disability registry Disability pension (diagnosis), preliminary disability pension (diagnosis), rejection of disability pension, grunn- og hjelpestønad/benefits for specific chronic diseases (not disability pension), birth- sickness benefit, employment applicant.
Collaborations Alastair H Leyland, MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow George Davey Smith, University of Bristol Bjørn Heine Strand, National Public Health Institute, Oslo Annett Arntzen and A M Nybo Andersen, NordForsk – Longitudinal Epidemiology (Child mortality)