How good do you know Hungary?
QUESTIONS Q1:Have you ever been to Hungary? Q2:Which of the following countries is/are neightborn/s to Hungary? Q3:Which belongs to the Hungarian language family? Q4:Which is the capital of Hungary? Q5:Which is the longest river in Hungary? Q6:How many inhabitants are in Hungary? Q7:What currency is Hungary? Q8:Which is not a Hungarian invention? Q9:How many times has won the Hungarian water polo team Denes Hard over the past 20 years, the Olympic Games? Q10:How high is the highest peak of Hungary? Q15:Which is Hungarian’s flag?
Q11:What is UNESCO World Heritage Site known to you from Hungary? Given answers: Gellért hegy, Lánchid, Margit sziget Q12:Can you mention some people from Hungarian History? Given answers: Puskás Ferenc, Zámbó Jimmy, Mátyás király, Albert Flórián Q13:How do you know the specialities of Hungarian kitchen? Given answers: Gulyás, Szegedi halászlé, Somlói galuska Q14:Do you know of Hungarian artists, writer, inventor, athlete? Who? Given answers: Petöfi Sándor, Vasary André, Sebestyén Balázs, Biró Lajos