History of the field: Focus on language pedagogy History of the field: Focus on language pedagogy Traditional Latin and Greek through grammar translation
How to learn to speak a L2 fast Audiolingualism - the „Army method” Pronunciation and conversation drills Focus on speech No explanation and translation
How to best teach a language: Psychology and linguistics Behaviourism and Bloomfieldian Linguistics Tabula rasa Imitation, practice (Pavlov, Skinner) Discrete items (Bloomfield) Contrastive analysis (Lado)
Why can’t kids imitate Cognitivism and Generative Grammar Child language research (Berko) Cognitive development (Piaget) LAD (Chomsky) Deep structure – surface structure Competence – performance
What goes on in the human mind: Neurolingusitics and psycholinguistics The neurological basis of language learning and use
How to define language knowledge Council of Europe Language Project Notions and functions for Threshold Levels Rigorous linguistic study intellectual basis for the development of ELT
Communicative Competence „Én röfög kicsi német” CALP and BICS (Dell Hymes)
Celce-Murcia (2008:46)
Why don’t we say what we mean: Pragmatics Gricean Maxims manner quality quantity relevance
Speech Acts (Austin, Searle) Locution Illocution Perlocution
Contrastive rhetoric 1. Ez egy nagyon finom vörösbor, állítólag Liszt Ferencnek is ez volt a kedvence, remélem, önnek is megnyeri a tetszését. 2. This is a bottle of red wine, which is claimed to be a good one … 3. Amari oishii kono dewa nai keredomo, o-kuchi ni awanai kamoshiremasenga. (This red wine is not very good, I’m afraid you won’t like it.) (Hidasi, 2004)
Cultural thought patterns in writing (R. Kaplan) English Semitic Oriental Romance Russian
The narrow definition of AL: „the showpiece of linguistics” Language teaching theory, language pedagogy Testing ground for linguistics
The broad definition of AL: „the basket of many goodies” Theoretical orientation: sociolinguistics psycholinguistics pragmatics L1 and L2 acquisition discourse analysis
Practical orientation L1 and L2 teaching translation discourse and conversation analysis language planning LSP neurolinguistics computational linguistics
What is applied? The methods and findings of various disciplines
New definitions of linguistics (Strevens) Formal linguistics A current best theory of language exists based on linguistics Task of the scholar: contribute to the development of theory Theory determines what research is needed Practice should be restricted to the validated results of that theory
Communicative linguistics Problem driven Empirically grounded Multi-disciplinary Contextualised view of language Functionalist approach
What is linguistics about it? AL investigates language in use Linguistic descriptions of language and methods of linguistic enquiry Aim is NOT to contribute to descriptions of language, but to solve practical problems