(1954- )
Ellenfele: Kenneth Frampton
Könyv és CD- ROM is
Egy hanyatló diskurzus nosztalgiája August Perret Frank Lloyd Wright Louis Kahn Carlo Scarpa Mies van der Rohe
Gottfried Semper ( ) Semper Opera, Drezda,
Az első Semper Opera belső tere
A Semper Opera mai homlokzata
Semper: az építészet négy eleme 1. Fészek vagy tűzhely - die Feuerstätte oder der Herd (verknüpft mit keramischer und metallurgischer Arbeit), 2.Földhányás - der Erdaufwurf oder die Umfriedung (Maurer- und Wasserarbeiten), 3. Tető - das Dach (Holzarbeiten) 4. Fal - die Umfriedung oder Wand (auch mit Mattenflechten oder Teppichweben).
Carlo Scarpa ( ) Banca Popolare di Verona · Verona, Italy
Jorn Utzon: Sydney Opera (térkép)
Martha Stewart (1941-) business magnate, author, editor and homemaking advocate. She is also a former stockbroker and fashion model.
Louis I. Kahn: Unbuilt Ruins An Exhibition by Kent Larson "I thought of the beauty of ruins... of things which nothing lives behind... and so I thought of wrapping ruins around buildings." Louis I. Kahn
Digital/Analog The exhibition will incorporate sophisticated digital technology (computer graphic simulation, 3D printing of digital models, and computer vision tracking). It will combine this with a seemingly non- digital interface (physical models moved like chess pieces) and high- resolution analog images (rear- projected 35mm slides).
Secrets of the Luxor Piramid, Las Vegas, by Douglas Trumbull, 1993
Frank Gehry ( ) Guggenheim Múzeum, Bilbao, 1997
Jumbotron a Times Square-en és Harlemben
Bill Gates Lake Washington-i háza
Billionaire re sidence encompasses more than 66,000 square feet which is equal to 1.5 acres.The major rooms include seven bedrooms, 24 bathrooms, six kitchens, and six fireplaces.