Course Introduction to virtual engineering Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics Institute of Applied Mathematics Lecture and laboratory 12. Development of Contextual Chains László Horváth university professor
Contents Lecture Laboratory Contextual curves and surfaces Solid in the context of surface László Horváth ÓU-IAM Definition and connection in contextual chains during engineering work Analyses of curves and surfaces in order to the demanded geometry Laboratory task VE12: Definition of complex solid through chains of contextual connections.
Multi-sections surface László Horváth ÓU-IAM Sweeping section curves along computed or defined spine Contextual connection of the feature are highlighted
Isoparameter curve and its scaled curve László Horváth ÓU-IAM YZ plane is used as reference element at the scaling of isoparametric curve.1 Isoparametric curves on multi- section surface
Sweep in the context of isoparametric and scaled curves László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Kontextus definiálása transzformációval László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Blended surface László Horváth ÓU-IAM Blended surface between two edges, taking tangency continuity contexts as constraints into account.
Joining three surfaces for definition of their common context László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Solid shape in the context of join surface László Horváth ÓU-IAM Solid form feature between the join surface and its offset.
Surface – curve – surface contextual chain László Horváth ÓU-IAM Curves 3-4 are defined on solid boundary as curves on surface. Multi-sections surface is defined in their context.
Extrapolating surface in two directions László Horváth ÓU-IAM Extrapolated surfaces are defined in the context of the multi*sections surface
Solid shape in the context of extrapolated surface László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Fillet in complex context László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Sphere surfaces and solid features in their context László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Tabulated solid in context László Horváth ÓU-IAM Contextual connection with solid boundary of a solid feature.
Surface in the context of surface in the boundary László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Solid feature between the new and the boundary surfaces László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Distance analysis László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Draft analysis László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Curvature analysis on curve László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Curvature analysis on surface László Horváth ÓU-IAM
Solid body as result of definition along contextual chains László Horváth ÓU-IAM Additional active formula, rule and other feature definitions can give self-adaptive control for the shape. Modified geometry must be feasible.
Solid body as result of definition along contextual chains László Horváth ÓU-IAM Additional active formula, rule and other feature definitions can give self-adaptive control for the shape. Modified geometry must be feasible.
Laboratory László Horváth ÓU-IAM Definition of complex solid through chains of contextual connections. Laboratory task VE12