Archipilago (Arch-PLE-Eco) From Architectures of Large-scale Product Families to Ecosystems Market Addressed Ecosystems of different kinds of mixed-criticality cyber-physical systems Kung-Kiu Lau The University of Manchester
R&D and Technical Excellence - ARTEMIS project : CESAR and FP7 project: INDENICA Research Domain and ASP Indication ARTEMIS Research Roadmap: -A. Architectures Principles and Models for Autonomous Safe and Secure Cyber-Physical Systems. -B. System Design, Modelling and Virtual Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems. Market Innovation and Impact -Multi-product lines, Ecosystems -New level of development flexibility -New business models with sound product line foundation
Project Idea No architecture Architecture + Single PL Architectures + Multi-PLs (Ecosystem)
Consortium Status -Initial consortium formed (previously X-MAN-PLE) Available Key Partners and Capabilities - LE: Siemens (DE), Danfoss (DK), Oce (NL), ASML (NL), - SME: TWT (DE), Reden (NL), Hi-Iberia (ES), Tecnalia (ES) - PRO: Fraunhofer IESE (DE), CEA (FR), U Manchester (UK), U Hildesheim (DE), TU Eindhoven (NL) Missing Capabilities and/or Partners - Industrial PLE practitioners - PLE tool vendors - PLE researchers