Course Situation and Event Driven Models for Multilevel Abstraction Based Virtual Engineering Spaces Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics Institute of Applied Mathematics Lecture and laboratory 3. Boundary representation of solids László Horváth university professor
A prezentációban megjelent képernyő-felvételek a CATIA V5 PLM rendszernek, az Óbudai Egyetem Intelligens Mérnöki Rendszerek Laboratóriumában telepített installációján készültek, valóságos működő modellekről, a rendszer saját eszközeivel. Ez a prezentáció szellemi tulajdon. Hallgatóim számára rendelkezésre áll. Minden más felhasználása és másolása nem megengedett! CATIA V5 PLM rendszer a Dassult Systémes Inc. é s a CAD-Terv Kft segítségével üzemel laboratóriumunkban László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Topology and geometry László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Contextual group of surfaces in a boundary. Individual surface can be translated.
Topology and geometry László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Individual closed contour also can be translated.
Topology and geometry László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Solid is defined in the context of the translated contour. By its definition, this solid is a boundary representation (B-rep).
Topology and geometry László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM The main idea of the topology is the polyhedron model. It has not shape. Points, curves, and surfaces in geometry are mapped to vertices, edges, and faces in the topological representation, accordingly.
Build up of topology László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Single vertex and polygon ready to accept extension for geometry Complete edge-vertex structure Edge removal and vertex fusion operations
Build up of topology László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM MEV – make edge and vertexMEF– make edge and faceKEMR – kill edge make ring Local Euler operators
Positional and DOF connection of solids László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM See examples in the laboratory task SEMAL3E1
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Solid base feature. Represented by a solid consisting of four lumps.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Topological faces and edges are selected for filleting.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Points are selected on an edge for local radius value.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Definition of solid between a complex boundary and its offset. Selected topological faces are removed for this purpose.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Hole definition acts on two lumps in a single solid.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Additional holes are defined to accept connecting bodies.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Material is defined and visualization is rendered accordingly.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Two more parts are defined as boundary represented solid body.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Two components are connected by two coincidence relationships (constraints).
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Definition of coincidence relationship (constraint).
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Changing surface contact constraint for offset one in order to accommodate a new component.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Definition of a new component as part model in the context of two previously connected components.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Definition of a new component as part model in the context of two previously connected components.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Definition of a mechanism in order to simulate kinematics. Four joints are auto created on the basis of constraints definitions.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Definition of driving command for the joint Revolute.3.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Simulation of mechanism for the ability of demanded motion.
Laboratory task SEMAL3E1 László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM