Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics Institute of Applied Mathematics Course Situation and Event Driven Models for Multilevel Abstraction Based Virtual Engineering Spaces Lecture 5. Product definition on the Requirement (R), Functional (F), Logical (L) and Physical (P) levels László Horváth university professor http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/ Ez a prezentáció szellemi tulajdon. Hallgatóim számára rendelkezésre áll. Minden más felhasználása és másolása nem megengedett! A prezentációban megjelent képernyő-felvételek a CATIA V6 PLM rendszernek, az Óbudai Egyetem Intelligens Mérnöki Rendszerek Laboratóriumában telepített installációján készültek, valóságos működő modellekről, a rendszer saját eszközeivel. CATIA V5 PLM rendszer a Dassult Systémes Inc. és a CAD-Terv Kft segítségével üzemel laboratóriumunkban László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/ Contents Modeling of product through different levels of abstraction RFLP Structures RFLP tree in the V6 PLM Behavior Types of behavior State Logic Behavior Virtual Execution László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/
Modeling of the product through different levels of abstraction The RFLP structure is important part of the Virtual Product Modeling (VPM) in the V6 PLM technology in order to manage of intellectual property (IP) in product model for lifecycle. In V6 PLM, RFLP is used for Product Concept Creation. RFLP is a product conception approach for the modeling of product through Requirement, Functional, Logical, and Physical different levels of abstraction. It was forced mainly by the demand for multidisciplinary models . Modeling objects from mechanical, electrical, electronic, hardware, and software engineering in a singly model using the same mechanism. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/ RFLP Structures Requirement Engineer requirements against product Functional Functions and sub-functions to fulfill requirements. Input and output flows of the functions: Data flow: exchange of data Control flow: activation/de-activation of the function. Relations between functions: exchange of flow between functions. Logical Logical components and sub-components. Logical ports Causal: In, Out and In/Out direction A-causal: no direction. Relations between logical ports: exchange of data between components. Physical. Virtual definition of the real world product. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/
RFLP tree in the V6 PLM Source: Dassault Systémes V6 PLM László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/ Behavior Defines: How a system manages input/output How a system reacts to external events. Important part of an RFLP system models. RFLP system which includes behaviors can be virtually executed. Behavior can be placed in a function (F) and a logical (L) component. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/ Types of Behavior State logic behavior Placed in function (F) or logical (L) component. Discrete behavior of functional and logical components of a RFLP system. Dynamic behavior: Placed in logical components Inputs are computed continuously (not step-by-step). In V6 PLM, the dynamic modeler is Dymola, which applies the Modelica language. Physical product components can be connected to a logical component containing a behavior. Context dynamic behavior: Placed in a logical model to store dynamic models with an inner type. It then be applied to all sub-components in order to create a global context (e. g. force of gravity, temperature). It has no connection with the logical components! László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/
State Logic Behavior Type: Constraining the type of constants, functions, parameters, block ports and signals. Function: Uses a parameter and produces a result. Module: Serves structuring of program. Module is a structured unit to package together related objects.. Source: Dassault Systémes V6 PLM László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/
Virtual Execution (VE) Executing a product (PLM) model during conception phase of product development. VE is an early and scientific level validation of product concept. VE can be initiated on functional or logical models. VE requires behaviors to be defined. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/