1 Briefly about Myself (Sigurd Skogestad) PROST Department of Chemical Enginering My group and research
2 Sigurd Skogestad Born in : Siv.ing. Degree (MS) in Chemical Engineering from NTNU (NTH) : Process modeling group at the Norsk Hydro Researcg Center in Porsgrunn : Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering at Caltech, Pasadena, USA. Thesis on “Robust distillation control”. Supervisor: Manfred Morari ∞: Professor in Chemical Engineering at NTNU Since 1994: Head of PROST Since 1999: Head of Department of Chemical Engineering 1996: Book “Multivariable feedback control” (Wiley) 2000,2003: Book “Prosessteknikk” (Tapir) Interests: Outdoor activities, orienteering, handball coaching, hunting (very recently), skiing, rock music (listening)
3 PROST Process-systemteknikk Process systems engineering Trondheim Appointed in 1994 as a “Strong Point Center at NTNU and SINTEF” –5 years with 1 million NOK in annual suppurt from NTNU and SINTEF –Originally: Cooperation between process systems groups at Chemical Engineering (Skogestad, Hertzberg, Lien) and Engineering Cybernetics (Foss) + associated SINTEF groups –Later extended to mechanical engineering (Asbjørnsen, Gundersen) One of the largest process systems groups in Europe people. –Industry seminars, internal seminars –Ph.D. and postdoc support –Internal newsletters (mostly from Sigurd)
4 PROST's main research areas are: Process modelling Process simulation and optimization, both static and dynamic Process control Process synthesis Process operations
5 Prost in 1997
6 Present PROST members NTNU groups Chemical Engineering ( Haug-Warberg, Hertzberg, Lien, Preisig, Skogestad) Engineering Cybernetics (EE) (Foss, Hovd) [ Process Cybernetics group ] Thermal Energy and Hydropower (ME) ( Gundersen) and in addition the two associated SINTEF groups SINTEF Chemical Engineering SINTEF Automatic Control.
7 PROST industrial members Present PROST industrial member companies (as of June 2000): ABB ABB –Contact: Morten Dalsmo, ABB Industri, ABB Industri AS, Postboks 6540 Rodeløkka, 0501 OSLO –Annual support: NOK Borealis –Contact: Kristian Helland, Borealis, Rønnigen, 3960 Stathelle –Annual support: NOK Energos Energos –Contact: Kristian Lien, Energos asa, Vestre Rosten 81, 7075 Tiller, –Annual support: NOK Norsk Hydro Norsk Hydro –Contact: Knut Wiig Mathisen, Norsk Hydro Research Centre, 3901 Porsgrunn –Annual support: NOK Amersham Health Amersham Health –Contact: Joachim Schmidt, Lindesnes Fabrikker, 4510 Spangereid, –Annual support: NOK Statoil Statoil –Contact: Jan Richard Sagli, Statoil Research Centre, 7005 Trondheim –Annual support: NOK Cybernetica Cybernetica –Contact: Peter Singstad, Cybernetica, Leirfossvegen 27, 7038 Trondheim –Annual support: NOK Scandpower Scandpower –Contact: Kjetil Havre, Scandpower, P.O. Box 3, Gasevikvn. 2, N-2027 Kjeller –Annual support: NOK Fantoft Process Technology Fantoft Process Technology –Contact: David Cameron, Fantoft Prosess, Postboks 306,N-1301 Sandvika –Annual support: NOK 10000
8 prostwww By Thread Most recent messages Most recent messages 21 messages sorted by: [ author ] [ date ] [ subject ][ author ][ date ][ subject ] prostwww Nordic Process Control Workshop Jan Sigurd Skogestad (Mon Jan :04:52 MET)Nordic Process Control Workshop Jan New people starting at Chemical engineering from January 2003 Sigurd Skogestad (Mon Jan :52:02 MET)New people starting at Chemical engineering from January 2003 Rapport fra CDC-konferansen des Sigurd Skogestad (Tue Jan :58:33 MET)Rapport fra CDC-konferansen des Påminnelse: CAPE-FORUM Feb ( Toulouse, FRANCE) Sigurd Skogestad (Wed Jan :11:31 MET)Påminnelse: CAPE-FORUM Feb ( Toulouse, FRANCE) Referat fra INCOOP workshop Jan 2003 Sigurd Skogestad (Mon Jan :57:13 MET)Referat fra INCOOP workshop Jan 2003 FOCAPO-2003 (Coral Springs, Florida) Sigurd Skogestad (Tue Feb :43:54 MET)FOCAPO-2003 (Coral Springs, Florida) Fwd: CAST: AIChE 2003 San Francisco, 4/21 PTP deadline Sigurd Skogestad (Sat Feb :40:43 MET)Fwd: CAST: AIChE 2003 San Francisco, 4/21 PTP deadline Fwd: CAST: AIChE 2003 San Francisco - mer info Sigurd Skogestad (Sat Feb :44:06 MET)Fwd: CAST: AIChE 2003 San Francisco - mer info CAST og CACHE Sigurd Skogestad (Wed Feb :15:08 MET)CAST og CACHE AIChE 2003 Spring National Meeting og Borealis MPC-bidrag Sigurd Skogestad (Fri Feb :41:07 MET)AIChE 2003 Spring National Meeting og Borealis MPC-bidrag Report from CAPE Forum i Toulouse Feb Sigurd Skogestad (Wed Mar :37:57 MET)Report from CAPE Forum i Toulouse Feb Seminar "Optimal utnyttelse av naturgass" 23. april 2003 Sigurd Skogestad (Thu Mar :37:20 MET)Seminar "Optimal utnyttelse av naturgass" 23. april 2003 Report from Modeling and simulation seminar in Stuttgart, Feb 2003 Sigurd Skogestad (Fri Mar :42:37 MET)Report from Modeling and simulation seminar in Stuttgart, Feb 2003 Rapport fra AIChE Spring Meeting, New Orleans, April 2003 Sigurd Skogestad (Wed Apr :52:06 MET DST)Rapport fra AIChE Spring Meeting, New Orleans, April 2003 Stipendiatstillinger hydrogenteknologi ( søknadsfrist 23.05) Sigurd Skogestad (Wed Apr :42:35 MET DST)Stipendiatstillinger hydrogenteknologi ( søknadsfrist 23.05) Guest lecture by Y. Zhu on MPC identification (Thu 05 June, , B343) Sigurd Skogestad (Tue May :58:07 MET DST)Guest lecture by Y. Zhu on MPC identification (Thu 05 June, , B343) Gjesteforelesning nr.2 - Minicourse semidefinite programming (Fre 06 Jun 1415, B343) by way of Sigurd Skogestad (Tue May :05:11 MET DST)Gjesteforelesning nr.2 - Minicourse semidefinite programming (Fre 06 Jun 1415, B343) Til Prost industrikontakter Sigurd Skogestad (Mon Jun :13:39 MET DST)Til Prost industrikontakter Rapport fra ESCAPE'14 i Finland, 1-4 juni 2004 Sigurd Skogestad (Tue Jun :55:14 MET DST)Rapport fra ESCAPE'14 i Finland, 1-4 juni 2004 Rapport fra Multiphase'03, San Remo, juni 2003 Sigurd Skogestad (Thu Jun :27:04 MET DST)Rapport fra Multiphase'03, San Remo, juni 2003 Referat ECOS2003, Copenhagen June 30-July 2, 2003 by way of Sigurd Skogestad (Thu Jul :12:15 MET DST)Referat ECOS2003, Copenhagen June 30-July 2, 2003 Last message date: Thu Jul :12:20 MET DST
9 20 full-time academic staff 60 Ph.D. students 70 Master students annually Department of Chemical Engineering at NTNU
10 Research and faculty There are six main research areas in the department: Polymer and colloid chemistry Catalysis and petrochemistry Process systems engineering (Skogestad, Preisig) Reactor technology and CFD (Svendsen) Separation technology Pulp and paper technology Ugelstad particles
11 Process control group at Department of Chemical Engineering Professor Sigurd Skogestad Marius Govatsmark Audun Faanes Hilde Engelien Stathis Skouras Espen Storkaas Vidar Alstad Federico Zenith Heidi Sivertsen Antonio Brandao Elvira Aske Jens Strandberg Jørgen B. Jensen Eduardo Hori (visiting Ph.D. student from Brasil)
12 Research: Develop simple yet rigorous methods to solve problems of engineering significance. Use of feedback as a tool to 1. reduce uncertainty (including robust control), 2.change the system dynamics (including stabilization), 3.generally make the system more well-behaved (including self-optimizing control). limitations on performance in linear systems, control structure design and plantwide control, interactions between process design and control, distillation column design, control and dynamics. Natural gas processes
13 Optimal operation in practice: "The goal is to find a self-optimizing control structure where acceptable operation under all conditions is achieved with constant setpoints for the controlled variables."
14 Self-optimizing Control – Illustrating Example Optimal operation of Marathon runner, J=T –Any self-optimizing variable c (to control at constant setpoint)? c 1 = distance to leader of race c 2 = speed c 3 = heart rate c 4 = level of lactate in muscles
15 Group work Main objective: Suggest collaborative research project(s) for the “new” Ph.D. students in your group. Should be possible to include in Ph.D. thesis. Topic should be such that a paper can be finished within 5 months (Feb. 2003) For each project make a transparency with: Title: …………………….. Suggest names or desired background (at least two people from different groups) (e.g., Elvira Aske + one from Bolland’s group) Short abstract:……….. Extra task (one transparency each): Ideas for seminars, social events, etc. for the Natural Gas Systems Group