1 19 th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Jan Location: Trondheim (NTNU) + Ship Trondheim-Bodø Organizer: Process control group (Sigurd Skogestad), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim Presented at: 18 th NPC Workshop, Oulu, August 2013 Welcome to:
2 Oulu Start: TRONDHEIM (Thu 12:00) Arrive: BODØ (Fri 12:30) Arctic circle Oulu Finland
3 Tentative program Tuesday and Wednesday: Tutorial at NTNU (probably PFI building) –Topic: Economic plantwide control (S. Skogestad) Thursday and Friday: Workshop at Hurtigruten (Coastal Steamer) from Trondheim to Bodø Possible dates workshop: Jan (depends on ship schedule) Thursday 07:00-08:45 Registration/check-in at ship in Trondheim 08:45-09:00Welcome to 19th NPCW 09:00-10:00 NPC Award and keynote lecture 10:00-10:30Coffee + pastry 10:30-12:30Oral presentations 1 12:30-13:30 Lunch/check-in (ship leaves Trondheim 12:00) 13:30-15:30Oral presentations 2 15:30-16:30Poster session 16:30-18:30Oral presentations 3 20:00-24:00Conference dinner Friday 08:30-10:30Oral presentations 4 10:30-11:00Coffee and check-out 11:00-13:00 Oral presentations 5 13:00-14:00Lunch (at ship in Bodø) 14:00Leave ship (Bodø) Total oral presentations: 10 h (9.5 h in Finland)
4 Flight schedule from Bodø 1455 Oslo (SK4113) 1455 Bergen (WF615) 1500 Trondheim (SK4577) 1530 Oslo (DY347) 1730 Oslo (SK4117) 1730 Trondheim (SK4581) TRONDHEIM BODØ Arctic circle
5 Extensions It is possible to start the journey before Trondheim –Bergen (Tuesday 22:30) –Ålesund (Wednesday 15:00) –Molde (Wednesday 18:30) It is possible to extend the journey from Bodø –Leaves Bodø Friday at 15:00 –Arrives Tromsø Saturday at 14:30 –Passes North Cape Sunday at about 11:00 –Arrives Kirkenes Monday at 09:45 Bookings for extensions should be made directly with Hurtigruten: TRONDHEIM BODØ Arctic circle
6 Proposed fees Full registration fee, NOK 3000 (=375 Euro) Student registration fee, NOK 2500 Willing to share cabin at ship, Deduct NOK 500 pp After deadline (Nov. 1, 2014): Add NOK cannot guarantee rooms Registration fee includes: Cabin w/ breakfast (1 night). Conference dinner, 2 lunches, 3 coffee breaks. Workshop Trondheim: Simple lunch included Wednesday Trondheim: No reception, but people may meet at Mikrobryggeriet for drinks from about 20:00
7 “Break the cycle” Alternative 1 (change order countries): Jan. 2015: Norway Aug. 2016: Sweden Jan. 2018: Finland Aug. 2019: Denmark Jan. 2021: Sweden Aug. 2022: Norway
8 DYC DYCORD conference, Helsingör, Denmark, June 1995.