PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING GROUP Førsteamanuensis Tore Haug-Warberg Professor Heinz Preisig Process modelling Including thermodynamic modelling Process optimization and control Process simulation and design Systems biology Professor Sigurd Skogestad Førsteamanuensis Nadi Skjøndal-Bar
4th year 5th year TKP4140* Process control (Prosessregulering) TKP4135 Chemical process systems engineering 5th year TKP8 Advanced rocess control (Vg prosessregulering TKP9 Advanced process simulation (Vg prosess-simulering) TKP11 Thermodynamics, advanced course TKP10 Kjemisk prosessteknologi, spesielle emner TTK16 Modellprediktiv regulering (MPC) og optimalisering (Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk) TEP9 Termisk kraft/varme - produksjon (Institutt for termisk energi og vannkraft)
Tore Haug-Warberg Research projects Taylorutvikling av termodynamiske likevektstilstander Implementasjon av termodynamiske tilstandslikninger Influence of gradients in temperature on water flux in osmotic processes. Co-supervisor: Senior scientist Tom-Nils Nilsen
Heinz Preisig Research projects Species data Reaction data Model Library Documentation MatLab DAE Model MODELLER MatLab MatLab Library Graph of Behaviour Data of Behaviour Equation Library Heinz Preisig Research projects Computer-aided modelling Control lab rejuvenation Reduced- order models for distillations Felles Lab Experiments Model reduction Automatic Safety and Hazard Analysis Simple Thermo Server Co-supervisors: Tore Haug-Warberg, Bjoern Tore Løvfall, SINTEF On time scaling in chemical processes
Nadi Skjøndal-Bar Research projects Systems Biology - Modelling and analysis of the process of initiation control in protein synthesis Systems Biology - Modelling Feed intake and appetite of fish
Sigurd Skogestad Research projects Simulation, optimal operation and self-optimizing control of GTL plants. Co-supervisor: Mehdi Panahi (PhD student) Simulation, optimal operation and self-optimizing control of LNG plants.Co-supervisor: Magnus G. Jacobsen Design of integrated distillation columns for separation of multicomponents mixtures (simulation). Co-supervisor: PhD student + Ivar J. Halvorsen (SINTEF) Control and operation of Kaibel distillation column (simulation). Co-supervisor: PhD student + Ivar J. Halvorsen (SINTEF) Control and operation of Kaibel distillation column (experiment). Co-supervisor: PhD student + Ivar J. Halvorsen (SINTEF) Explicit MPCextensions.Co-supervisor: PhD student Henrik Manum Dynamic simulation of alternative control strategiesCo-supervsior: PhD student Ramprasad Yelshuru Self-optimizing control of batch processes. Co-supervisor: PhD student Håkon Dahl-Olsen Dynamic Model and Control of Heat Exchanger Networks for District Heating. Co-supervisor: PhD student Johannes Jäschke Simple rules for retuning of control loops. Co-supervisor: Mohammad Samsuzzoha . Stabilization of two-phase flow in risers from reservoirs (anti-slug control) (in cooperation with Siemens). Co-supervisors: Esmaeil Jahanshahi (PhD student) and Professor Ole Jørgen Nydal