The IWETO story or how to convert a sinking wreck into racing yacht in a force 10 wind & on 5 meter waves
IWETO problems (1) IWETO problems (1) Current information Current information –Update frequency to low –No process synchronisation aged data Completeness Completeness –+ universities (and some aged data from IHE’s) –- IHE, Research & Scientific institutes, Steunpunten BO, Collectif centra,…. –- Companies Quality Quality –Datamodel incomplete and not adapted to the purpose –No solid Q-control process of the content Classification & thesauri Classification & thesauri –Incomplete –Not updated –Low granularity –No standard thesaurus in use –No active management of thesauri in R&D domain
IWETO problems (2) Model Model –Coop is not a primary business object –Missing objects Output: publications, patents, products, events Output: publications, patents, products, events CV CV –Identification problems: unique keys for projects, researchers, publication, OrgUnits… Procedure Procedure –High administrative load (ministry and data suppliers) –Suppliers are secondary source –Collection process Ex post Ex post Outside the business processes Outside the business processes Q-controle Feedback difficult to process Q-controle Feedback difficult to process –No update possibility
Data-model problemen (1) Redundantie - ambiguïteiten PROJECT FundingFunding Onderzoekers A Instelling A B C D E Instelling B Instelling C ProjectId2 y€y€ F G K L N O ProjectId1 x€x€ ProjectId3 z€z€ P =A =B =C =D =E =C + ? ? ? IWETO
€ IWETO-data in de processen (1)
€ IWETO gegevens verzamelen Equip Coop Expert Project Gegevens versturen OrgUnit/ Team Person IWETO-data in de processen (2)
Dataflows in the R&D domain a consolidated overview
Dataflows: a “to be”
Conclusions The lack off consistent Research and Innovation Information is a business problem for 90%. The lack off consistent Research and Innovation Information is a business problem for 90%. IT-problems play a role for 10% IT-problems play a role for 10% Priorities must be on Information Integration (through workflow integration) Priorities must be on Information Integration (through workflow integration)
Conclusions Metadata standards exist and are mature Metadata standards exist and are mature IT components for inter-operability exist and are mature IT components for inter-operability exist and are mature Strong standardisation efforts (W3C) Strong standardisation efforts (W3C) Lack of process and business integration Lack of process and business integration